
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My mother is in her late 90s and not in very good health, and she keeps asking me why God keeps her here instead of taking her to heaven. She feels like she's just a burden to us, and anyway, she yearns to be reunited with her husband. What can I say to her?

My mother is in her late 90s and not in very good health, and she keeps asking me why God keeps her here instead of taking her to heaven. She feels like she's just a burden to us, and anyway, she yearns to be reunited with her husband. What can I say to her?

My wife walked out on me a few months ago and left me with our three young children. How can I be a good father to them when it's all I can do to keep my head above water?

My wife walked out on me a few months ago and left me with our three young children. How can I be a good father to them when it's all I can do to keep my head above water?

I just saw a movie that was a clever attack on the Christian faith (in my opinion). Although it was only a story, it claimed Jesus was just another man and there isn't any reason to believe He was the Son of God. Why would someone want to tear down people's faith?

I just saw a movie that was a clever attack on the Christian faith (in my opinion). Although it was only a story, it claimed Jesus was just another man and there isn't any reason to believe He was the Son of God. Why would someone want to tear down people's faith?

How do you know when to openly confront someone who's doing something wrong, and when to back off and hope you can deal with them later? My niece grew up in our church but now she's turned her back on her parents' moral standards (and on them). I want to help her but I don't want to make her mad.

How do you know when to openly confront someone who's doing something wrong, and when to back off and hope you can deal with them later? My niece grew up in our church but now she's turned her back on her parents' moral standards (and on them). I want to help her but I don't want to make her mad.

I have a friend who says she prays about everything and finds it very natural to do so. What do you think is her secret? I admit I pray mostly when I get in trouble, but she isn't like that. I wish I had her faith but I guess I never will.

I have a friend who says she prays about everything and finds it very natural to do so. What do you think is her secret? I admit I pray mostly when I get in trouble, but she isn't like that. I wish I had her faith but I guess I never will.

How do I know if God has forgiven all my sins, when I can't even remember a lot of the sins I know I must have committed? In other words, does God only forgive the sins we remember, or will He forgive all our sins if we ask Him to?

How do I know if God has forgiven all my sins, when I can't even remember a lot of the sins I know I must have committed? In other words, does God only forgive the sins we remember, or will He forgive all our sins if we ask Him to?

If God made everything, doesn't that mean He made the devil? And if He made the devil, doesn't that mean God is responsible for all the evil in the world? Personally, I'm not convinced that God is good, like most preachers say. I think He is probably a mixture of good and evil, just like we are.

If God made everything, doesn't that mean He made the devil? And if He made the devil, doesn't that mean God is responsible for all the evil in the world? Personally, I'm not convinced that God is good, like most preachers say. I think He is probably a mixture of good and evil, just like we are.

Many years ago, my sister and I had a sharp disagreement about something and haven't talked to each other since. But recently I realized this wasn't the way God wanted me to act, and since then I've tried to reach out to her (without success). My Christmas card to her even came back unopened and refused. Should I just give up?

Many years ago, my sister and I had a sharp disagreement about something and haven't talked to each other since. But recently I realized this wasn't the way God wanted me to act, and since then I've tried to reach out to her (without success). My Christmas card to her even came back unopened and refused. Should I just give up?

I like the New Testament, but to be honest, I've never been able to understand the Old Testament. Every time I try to read it I get bogged down in all the laws and things, and I finally give up. Is the Old Testament worth bothering with today?

I like the New Testament, but to be honest, I've never been able to understand the Old Testament. Every time I try to read it I get bogged down in all the laws and things, and I finally give up. Is the Old Testament worth bothering with today?

I was taught when I was growing up that God is very strict and angry, and is just waiting to punish us if we get out of line. Now, I hear people saying God isn't like this but is kind and loving and merciful. Which is true? They can't both be right.

I was taught when I was growing up that God is very strict and angry, and is just waiting to punish us if we get out of line. Now, I hear people saying God isn't like this but is kind and loving and merciful. Which is true? They can't both be right.

My uncle just laughs when I say something about the Bible, because he says it's full of errors and contradictions. How can I answer him? It's hard to talk to him about religion because he doesn't feel any need for God.

My uncle just laughs when I say something about the Bible, because he says it's full of errors and contradictions. How can I answer him? It's hard to talk to him about religion because he doesn't feel any need for God.

Do you think computers will take over the world some day? I admit I don't understand them very much (although I'm learning to use e-mail, which is pretty good for someone in their late 70s!). But they seem to have taken over so much of our lives that I worry about this.

Do you think computers will take over the world some day? I admit I don't understand them very much (although I'm learning to use e-mail, which is pretty good for someone in their late 70s!). But they seem to have taken over so much of our lives that I worry about this.