
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

If Christianity is true, then why are most of the so-called "Christians" I know hypocrites? I'd rather be a complete unbeliever (which is what I am) than someone who claims to be a Christian but doesn't act like it. At least I try to be a good person, and they don't.

If Christianity is true, then why are most of the so-called "Christians" I know hypocrites? I'd rather be a complete unbeliever (which is what I am) than someone who claims to be a Christian but doesn't act like it. At least I try to be a good person, and they don't.

My husband died several months ago (of cancer), and they have been the hardest months of my life. People try to cheer me up by saying he's in heaven now, and I believe it, but it doesn't take away the hurt. How can I get over this?

My husband died several months ago (of cancer), and they have been the hardest months of my life. People try to cheer me up by saying he's in heaven now, and I believe it, but it doesn't take away the hurt. How can I get over this?

I've had severe back pain for over a year (after two unsuccessful surgeries), and now I'm afraid I might be getting hooked on my pain medicine. But I'm afraid to tell my doctor for fear he'll take me off it. I need your prayers.

I've had severe back pain for over a year (after two unsuccessful surgeries), and now I'm afraid I might be getting hooked on my pain medicine. But I'm afraid to tell my doctor for fear he'll take me off it. I need your prayers.

I know I ought to tell others about Jesus and urge them to believe in Him, but the last time I tried I failed so miserably that I haven't attempted it since. I couldn't answer their questions, and I know they must have thought I was a fool, but I couldn't help it.

I know I ought to tell others about Jesus and urge them to believe in Him, but the last time I tried I failed so miserably that I haven't attempted it since. I couldn't answer their questions, and I know they must have thought I was a fool, but I couldn't help it.

Did people in Old Testament times go to heaven when they died? Or is heaven reserved only for people who lived after Jesus came? I haven't found anything about heaven in the Old Testament.

Did people in Old Testament times go to heaven when they died? Or is heaven reserved only for people who lived after Jesus came? I haven't found anything about heaven in the Old Testament.

What is your definition of a Christian? If someone were to ask them, most of my friends would say they are Christians, and most of them go to church (at least occasionally). But I'm not sure they really measure up to what Jesus expects of them.

What is your definition of a Christian? If someone were to ask them, most of my friends would say they are Christians, and most of them go to church (at least occasionally). But I'm not sure they really measure up to what Jesus expects of them.

One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to read some of the Bible every day. But like most of my resolutions, I've failed to keep it. I found some of it interesting, but I didn't really understand most of it, so I stopped. Was I doing something wrong?

One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to read some of the Bible every day. But like most of my resolutions, I've failed to keep it. I found some of it interesting, but I didn't really understand most of it, so I stopped. Was I doing something wrong?

I don't see how anyone could think that the devil isn't real — not with all the evil that goes on in the world today. But will the devil ever be defeated? I'd like to think so, but the world doesn't seem to be getting any better, does it?

I don't see how anyone could think that the devil isn't real -- not with all the evil that goes on in the world today. But will the devil ever be defeated? I'd like to think so, but the world doesn't seem to be getting any better, does it?

I guess you could say I burned my bridges with my family over 20 years ago. They weren't perfect, but I have to admit I was the main problem. Now that I'm older (and hopefully wiser), I'd like to get back in contact, but they aren't interested. Should I just forget it?

I guess you could say I burned my bridges with my family over 20 years ago. They weren't perfect, but I have to admit I was the main problem. Now that I'm older (and hopefully wiser), I'd like to get back in contact, but they aren't interested. Should I just forget it?

I'd like to give my life to Jesus but if I do I'm afraid I won't be able to stick with it and live like I'm supposed to. I guess I'm too weak to be a Christian.

I'd like to give my life to Jesus but if I do I'm afraid I won't be able to stick with it and live like I'm supposed to. I guess I'm too weak to be a Christian.

I know you'll tell me God loves me, but you don't know how much hurt I've caused and what a terrible person I've been. I know I need God and I wish I could believe He loves me, but I just can't.

I know you'll tell me God loves me, but you don't know how much hurt I've caused and what a terrible person I've been. I know I need God and I wish I could believe He loves me, but I just can't.

I'll be 89 on my next birthday, and I know I don't have much longer to live. How can I know that I'll go to heaven? I've always tried to be a good person, but maybe I haven't been good enough.

I'll be 89 on my next birthday, and I know I don't have much longer to live. How can I know that I'll go to heaven? I've always tried to be a good person, but maybe I haven't been good enough.