
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

All my life I've heard the expression, "God helps those who help themselves," and I think our society would be a lot better off if people practiced it by working harder. Where is it found in the Bible?

All my life I've heard the expression, "God helps those who help themselves," and I think our society would be a lot better off if people practiced it by working harder. Where is it found in the Bible?

It seems like every few months our pastor preaches on stewardship (which is a polite way of making us feel guilty because we don't give more money to the church). Frankly, I get tired of it, and so do lots of other people. Should someone tell him, or should we just suffer in silence?

It seems like every few months our pastor preaches on stewardship (which is a polite way of making us feel guilty because we don't give more money to the church). Frankly, I get tired of it, and so do lots of other people. Should someone tell him, or should we just suffer in silence?

I retired about three years ago, and at first it was great because we were able to travel and do all the other things we had wanted to do. But now we've done all that, and I'm bored. I never thought retirement would be this way. Any suggestions?

I retired about three years ago, and at first it was great because we were able to travel and do all the other things we had wanted to do. But now we've done all that, and I'm bored. I never thought retirement would be this way. Any suggestions?

How can we know if there is life after death? I'd like to think there is but I don't see any scientific reason to believe in it. Once a person is dead, that's the end of everything, in my view. Or am I overlooking something?

How can we know if there is life after death? I'd like to think there is but I don't see any scientific reason to believe in it. Once a person is dead, that's the end of everything, in my view. Or am I overlooking something?

Why did God allow Jesus to be put to death? Wouldn't it have been better for God to have let Jesus keep on living?

Why did God allow Jesus to be put to death? Wouldn't it have been better for God to have let Jesus keep on living?

What caused Judas to turn against Jesus and betray Him to the authorities? After all, he'd been with Jesus during His ministry and seen all His miracles and everything, hadn't he? It's never made sense to me.

What caused Judas to turn against Jesus and betray Him to the authorities? After all, he'd been with Jesus during His ministry and seen all His miracles and everything, hadn't he? It's never made sense to me.

This year, I decided to read some passages in the Bible that lead up to the Easter story, and I was surprised to see how much Jesus talked during those days about His second coming. But that never happened, did it? Did Jesus really think He'd come back to earth some day, or was He just trying to cheer up His followers?

This year, I decided to read some passages in the Bible that lead up to the Easter story, and I was surprised to see how much Jesus talked during those days about His second coming. But that never happened, did it? Did Jesus really think He'd come back to earth some day, or was He just trying to cheer up His followers?

Why did Jesus deliberately put Himself in harm's way during His last days? Why didn't He withdraw somewhere and be safe, instead of risking His life by going out in public and giving the authorities the opportunity to arrest Him?

Why did Jesus deliberately put Himself in harm's way during His last days? Why didn't He withdraw somewhere and be safe, instead of risking His life by going out in public and giving the authorities the opportunity to arrest Him?

Every year, our church celebrates Palm Sunday, the day when the crowds cheered Jesus as He entered Jerusalem for the last time. But I’ve never understood why they turned against Him just a few days later and demanded He be put to death. Why did they?

Every year, our church celebrates Palm Sunday, the day when the crowds cheered Jesus as He entered Jerusalem for the last time. But I've never understood why they turned against Him just a few days later and demanded He be put to death. Why did they?

When God doesn't answer our prayers, is it because He's testing our faith to see if it's genuine? A friend of mine got angry at God when his prayers weren't answered, and I couldn't help but feel that his reaction proved his faith wasn't very strong.

When God doesn't answer our prayers, is it because He's testing our faith to see if it's genuine? A friend of mine got angry at God when his prayers weren't answered, and I couldn't help but feel that his reaction proved his faith wasn't very strong.

The doctor says I have a mild form of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and because of this I have a hard time concentrating in church. That's why I don't get much out of the sermon, because my mind wanders all over the place. I know this is wrong but what can I do about it?

The doctor says I have a mild form of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and because of this I have a hard time concentrating in church. That's why I don't get much out of the sermon, because my mind wanders all over the place. I know this is wrong but what can I do about it?

I'm confused about something I read in the Bible recently. It's the place where Jesus says that no one has ever seen God. Does this mean no one was saved and went to heaven before Jesus came to earth to save us?

I'm confused about something I read in the Bible recently. It's the place where Jesus says that no one has ever seen God. Does this mean no one was saved and went to heaven before Jesus came to earth to save us?