
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How do you know heaven is real? I'd like to think it is, and my mother looked forward to going there when she died, but maybe heaven is just a myth or fairy tale.

How do you know heaven is real? I'd like to think it is, and my mother looked forward to going there when she died, but maybe heaven is just a myth or fairy tale.

I've wasted most of my life — drugs, alcohol, jail, pregnant at 17, you name it. But now I've given my life to Jesus and that's all behind me. But I've still got bad health and a police record from my past, so I can't get a decent job. Will God do something about these, or is it asking too much?

I've wasted most of my life -- drugs, alcohol, jail, pregnant at 17, you name it. But now I've given my life to Jesus and that's all behind me. But I've still got bad health and a police record from my past, so I can't get a decent job. Will God do something about these, or is it asking too much?

Does it really do any good to pray for people who are having problems? I’m not sure anything happens when I pray for someone, or else their problem gets solved without any divine intervention. Why should I bother praying for them?

Does it really do any good to pray for people who are having problems? I'm not sure anything happens when I pray for someone, or else their problem gets solved without any divine intervention. Why should I bother praying for them?

A woman I work with says Jesus is her best friend, but I don't understand what she means. How can you be best friends with someone who lived 2,000 years ago? She seems like an intelligent person but I really don't understand what she's saying.

A woman I work with says Jesus is her best friend, but I don't understand what she means. How can you be best friends with someone who lived 2,000 years ago? She seems like an intelligent person but I really don't understand what she's saying.

I was discharged from the military recently after being in Iraq for two tours of duty, and while there I barely escaped serious injury or death at least three times. In fact, some of my buddies didn't make it. I can't help but feel that God must have spared me for a reason, but how do I figure out what it is? I'm kind of at loose ends right now.

I was discharged from the military recently after being in Iraq for two tours of duty, and while there I barely escaped serious injury or death at least three times. In fact, some of my buddies didn't make it. I can't help but feel that God must have spared me for a reason, but how do I figure out what it is? I'm kind of at loose ends right now.

I have a friend who believes that aliens built the pyramids and things like that, and also brought religion into the world. Is there any evidence for this in the Bible? I admit my friend is different and I'm not sure he'll believe what you say, but I'd still be interested in your input because I'd never heard this before.

I have a friend who believes that aliens built the pyramids and things like that, and also brought religion into the world. Is there any evidence for this in the Bible? I admit my friend is different and I'm not sure he'll believe what you say, but I'd still be interested in your input because I'd never heard this before.

What would the world be like if Adam and Eve had never sinned? Or do you think it would be pretty much the same as it is right now?

What would the world be like if Adam and Eve had never sinned? Or do you think it would be pretty much the same as it is right now?

I don't have any use for someone who puts on a big show and claims to be a good Christian.

I don't have any use for someone who puts on a big show and claims to be a good Christian when they're in church or with religious people, but then acts like a harsh tyrant around their family. My uncle is like this, and I can't stand that kind of hypocrisy.

My girlfriend keeps getting after me because I use words like "God" and "Jesus" in my ordinary speech

My girlfriend keeps getting after me because I use words like "God" and "Jesus" in my ordinary speech. I don't mean anything by it or think of them as cuss words, and anyway, everyone uses them (even on TV), but she says I ought to be more respectful. Would you agree with her?

What will we look like when we get to heaven? My grandmother died a few months ago at the age of 97, and I wonder if she'll look old like she did when she died, or if she'll be young and beautiful, like she once was.

What will we look like when we get to heaven? My grandmother died a few months ago at the age of 97, and I wonder if she'll look old like she did when she died, or if she'll be young and beautiful, like she once was.

For several years, my husband and I tried to start a family, and finally last year I got pregnant. But last month the baby was stillborn, and it has broken our hearts. Why would God let something like this happen to us? We both feel so devastated.

For several years, my husband and I tried to start a family, and finally last year I got pregnant. But last month the baby was stillborn, and it has broken our hearts. Why would God let something like this happen to us? We both feel so devastated.

Does the devil ever give up on us and let us alone because he knows we won't listen to him? With God's help, I've been able to deal with some really bad problems in my life, but sometimes I wonder if the temptation to fall back into my old ways will ever go away.

Does the devil ever give up on us and let us alone because he knows we won't listen to him? With God's help, I've been able to deal with some really bad problems in my life, but sometimes I wonder if the temptation to fall back into my old ways will ever go away.