
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Does the Bible say that some day God will take our old bodies and remake them so they'll never grow old? I don't understand how this is possible, since our bodies disintegrate after we die and hardly anything is left.

Does the Bible say that some day God will take our old bodies and remake them so they'll never grow old? I don't understand how this is possible, since our bodies disintegrate after we die and hardly anything is left.

Is it possible to be so far from God that it becomes impossible for Him to reach you? I worry about this with my brother, because he's never had any use for God and I don't think he'll ever change.

Is it possible to be so far from God that it becomes impossible for Him to reach you? I worry about this with my brother, because he's never had any use for God and I don't think he'll ever change.

Our son got hooked on drugs, eventually got caught dealing drugs and now is in prison. This has broken our hearts, of course, but what hurts almost as much is that no one in our church ever asks about him or says they're praying for him (or us). Shouldn't they be concerned?

Our son got hooked on drugs, eventually got caught dealing drugs and now is in prison. This has broken our hearts, of course, but what hurts almost as much is that no one in our church ever asks about him or says they're praying for him (or us). Shouldn't they be concerned?

I really do believe in Jesus, but sometimes I wonder if it's all too good to be true. What I mean is, how can God possibly love us and forgive us when we treat Him so badly? If I were God, I don't think I'd bother with the human race, let alone let us into heaven.

I really do believe in Jesus, but sometimes I wonder if it's all too good to be true. What I mean is, how can God possibly love us and forgive us when we treat Him so badly? If I were God, I don't think I'd bother with the human race, let alone let us into heaven.

My boyfriend and I just broke up, and it's really crushed me. One reason is because when we started dating we were both convinced God had brought us together, but I guess it wasn't true. Where did I go wrong? Where was God in all this?

My boyfriend and I just broke up, and it's really crushed me. One reason is because when we started dating we were both convinced God had brought us together, but I guess it wasn't true. Where did I go wrong? Where was God in all this?

Can you give me even one reason why I ought to keep myself sexually pure? I’m 16, and I don’t see why I shouldn’t have the same fun my friends do, no matter what my parents say. But I promised them I’d write you.

Can you give me even one reason why I ought to keep myself sexually pure? I'm 16, and I don't see why I shouldn't have the same fun my friends do, no matter what my parents say. But I promised them I'd write you.

How do you explain something like the earthquake in Haiti? We've really been saddened by what's happened there, and we just don't understand why God lets things like this happen. Do you have any answers?

How do you explain something like the earthquake in Haiti? We've really been saddened by what's happened there, and we just don't understand why God lets things like this happen. Do you have any answers?

How old does a child have to be before they can understand the Gospel and make their decision to follow Jesus? Neither my husband nor I grew up in a religious home, so we're sort of feeling our way on this with our own children.

How old does a child have to be before they can understand the Gospel and make their decision to follow Jesus? Neither my husband nor I grew up in a religious home, so we're sort of feeling our way on this with our own children.

I know you've often said that we need to forgive those who hurt us, but what if it doesn't do any good and they just keep hurting you? No matter what I say, this person keeps doing the same hurtful things to me. How much should I put up with?

I know you've often said that we need to forgive those who hurt us, but what if it doesn't do any good and they just keep hurting you? No matter what I say, this person keeps doing the same hurtful things to me. How much should I put up with?

They opened a casino near us about three years ago, and I've lost so much money there and gotten so far into debt that I'll never recover. But in spite of this, I just can't stop going. I don't have a question, but maybe someone will learn from my experience.

They opened a casino near us about three years ago, and I've lost so much money there and gotten so far into debt that I'll never recover. But in spite of this, I just can't stop going. I don't have a question, but maybe someone will learn from my experience.

How should you deal with someone who always feels like they have to be right? My cousin is like this.

How should you deal with someone who always feels like they have to be right? My cousin is like this, and even when he's obviously in the wrong he'll never admit it, or if he does, he blames someone else for the problem. Why is he like this?

Are some people just destined to be gloomy all their lives? I have an aunt who is like this, and no matter what happens, she's always pessimistic and looking on the bad side of things.

Are some people just destined to be gloomy all their lives? I have an aunt who is like this, and no matter what happens, she's always pessimistic and looking on the bad side of things.