
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I intend to give my life to Jesus some day, but not until I've had some fun. You'll probably say I'm gambling with my soul, but all of life is a gamble, isn't it?

I notice that in almost every column you urge people to give their lives to Jesus today, or not let another day pass without Him. Well, I intend to give my life to Jesus some day, but not until I've had a chance to have some fun. You'll probably say I'm gambling with my soul, but all of life is a gamble, isn't it?

I have a friend who says no one can really know whether or not they'll get to heaven until they actually die. Is she right?

I have a friend who's always been active in her church but she says no one can really know whether or not they'll get to heaven until they actually die. I don't think I agree with her, but I'm not sure why. Is she right?

My father was an alcoholic, and I hated what it did to our family. But now I think I might be headed the same way. What's wrong with me?

I don't understand myself. My father was an alcoholic, and I hated what it did to our family. But now I think I might be headed the same way. It doesn't make any sense because I know it'll just mess up both me and my family. What's wrong with me?

It's wrong to say that God is going to judge us when we die. God is kind and merciful and loving. To me, this is the true message of Jesus.

I think it's wrong to say that God is going to judge us when we die. In my view, God is kind and merciful and loving, and in the end everyone's sins will be forgiven. To me, this is the true message of Jesus.

I became a Christian recently, and although my ex-husband and I divorced many years ago, I know it was mainly my fault. Should I ask for forgiveness?

Is it true we ought to ask people that we've hurt to forgive us? I became a Christian recently, and although my ex-husband and I divorced many years ago, I know it was mainly my fault. Should I ask him to forgive me? We've both remarried, so I'm not trying to reconnect with him or anything.

I guess I'm kind of a "church hopper" because I'm always changing churches and never seem to find one that satisfies me. Why can't I find the right church?

I guess I'm kind of a "church hopper" because I'm always changing churches and never seem to find one that satisfies me. Why can't I find the right church?

Does it do any good to keep praying for someone?

Does it do any good to keep praying for someone? I've prayed for my sister for years because she's made a lot of bad decisions and messed up her life, yet she still doesn't want anything to do with God. My prayers don't seem to make any difference.

I wish my spouse and I knew each other better before we got married. Now we're getting divorced.

My wife and I are headed to the divorce court, and the main reason is because we're always arguing about money. I wish we'd known each other better before we got married, because we might have avoided all this. I don't have a question, but maybe you can warn young people to be more careful before they get married.

If angels are real, then why don't they keep us from getting hurt?

If angels are real, then why don't they keep us from getting hurt? I was in an auto accident a few months ago and ended up in the hospital for three weeks. Where was my guardian angel while all that was happening?

We have four children, all adults now, and not one of them has anything to do with church. Is there anything we can do to change their attitude?

We have four children, all adults now, and not one of them has anything to do with church. When we ask them about it, they say we pushed church on them too much when they were kids, and that's why they don't bother with it now. I feel so guilty, although I know we can't undo the past. Is there anything we can do to change their attitude?

I'm 16 years old and I'd like to know how you decided to be a preacher. I want to help people who don't know Jesus.

I'm 16 years old and I'd like to know how you decided to be a preacher. I have given my life to Jesus, and sometimes I wonder if that's what I ought to do also. I have a deep concern for people who don't know Jesus, and I want to help them.

Why should we bother to pray, when God already knows what we need?

Why should we bother to pray, when God already knows what we need? I hope you won't be offended, but it seems kind of silly to me for us to tell God something that He already knows.