
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you believe in reincarnation? Don't you think this might be possible?

Do you believe in reincarnation? From time to time, I have strange thoughts about my life, and I think they must be memories from other lives I once lived on earth. Don't you think this might be possible?

Why can't my family just accept my interracial marriage?

I feel very hurt because an aunt of mine is planning a large family reunion (with all our cousins and others) but she's made it clear that my husband and I will not be invited. You see, my husband is of another race and my family strongly disapproved of our marriage. Why can't they just accept us as we are and forget the past?

Why should I believe in God if it doesn't make any difference in the lives of my friends?

I have several friends who are sincere Christians but it doesn't seem to me that their lives are any better off than mine is. In fact, one of them has had a lot of health problems and other things. Why should I believe in God if it doesn't make any difference?

What proof do you have that God (if He really exists) cares anything about those of us who live on this earth?

I believe there probably is some kind of a Higher Being who created the universe, because I can't imagine it all happened by accident. But what proof do you have that God (if He really exists) cares anything about those of us who live on this earth?

I suppose you'd say that every sin is wrong, but aren't some a lot worse than others?

I suppose you'd say that every sin is wrong, but aren't some a lot worse than others? A friend and I were talking the other day and we got to debating what is the absolutely worst sin a person could commit, but we never did come to any conclusion.

I went into a bookstore to buy a Bible for our grandson. I gave up because there are so many. Why are there so many different versions of the Bible?

I went into a bookstore to buy a Bible for our grandson the other day, because he's just entering college and I thought it would be a good idea to have a new one. Finally, I just gave up, however, because there are so many to choose from. Why are there so many different versions of the Bible?

I heard someone say the other day that more Christians are being persecuted today than ever before. Is that true?

I heard someone say the other day that more Christians are being persecuted today than ever before. Is that true? I never read anything about it in the headlines, and I just wondered if it's really accurate.

I've just discovered my boyfriend has been dating someone else. I thought I could trust him. How can I keep from feeling there isn't any hope?

I'm all torn up because I've just discovered my boyfriend has been dating someone else, although he said he wasn't. I thought I could trust him, but now I realize it was all a lie. How can I keep from feeling there isn't any hope?

I have a friend who is facing a lot of problems. She won't face up to her own failures, and instead blames God for everything. Do you have any suggestions?

I have a friend who is facing a lot of problems, mostly because of some foolish decisions she has made. The problem is, she won't face up to her own failures, and instead blames God for everything. I'd like to help her but I don't know how. Do you have any suggestions?

Do you think we'll ever get back to the days when they allowed prayer in our public schools?

Do you think we'll ever get back to the days when they allowed prayer in our public schools? When I was young, we used to pray and read the Bible in school every day, but my grandchildren aren't able to experience this, and it upsets me a great deal.

Why do people like you say that we need to have Jesus' help in order to deal with our problems?

Why do people like you say that we need to have Jesus' help in order to deal with our problems? I've had a lot of problems from time to time, but eventually I solved them, and I didn't need God to do it.

I know I ought to go to church, but I don't because I'm a single mother and I don't have any extra money to buy nice clothes. I don't need people looking down on me.

I know I ought to go to church, but the reason I don't go is because I'm a single mother and I don't have any extra money to buy nice clothes or put something in the offering plate. I've had enough hurts in life, and I don't need people looking down on me.