
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My husband and I get upset at our neighbors. They seem to care more for their business than they do for their children. Should we say something to them?

My husband and I get very upset at our neighbors because they seem to care more for their business than they do for their two children. In fact, their children are always over at our house, and I know it's because they're starved for attention. Should we say something to their parents?

I had a lot of stress in my life, and instead of turning to God I turned to alcohol. I wonder if I've become an alcoholic. Can God help me out of this pit?

I had a lot of stress in my life several years ago, and instead of turning to God I turned to alcohol. Now I wonder if I've become an alcoholic, because I'm not sure I can stop. Can God help me get out of this pit? I wish I'd never gone down this road.

I'm a woman in my late 20s, and I'm afraid to get married. Is marriage just a game of chance?

I'm a woman in my late 20s, and to be honest I'm afraid to get married. My parents never were happy and finally divorced, and it seems like almost everyone I know ends up in divorce court. I'd like to get married but I don't want this to happen to me. Is marriage just a game of chance?

My mother died last year at 84, and I feel so guilty over the way I treated her. Will God forgive me?

My mother died last year at 84, and I feel so guilty over the way I treated her. We always had a rocky relationship, and toward the end of her life I didn't help her like I should have. Will God forgive me? I'd hate to think my children will treat me the way I treated her.

Lots of great religious leaders have been very spiritual and saintly (almost otherworldly, you could say), but what was so different about Jesus?

Lots of great religious leaders have been very spiritual and saintly (almost otherworldly, you could say), but what was so different about Jesus?

I know I ought to pray more, but it seems like every time I try to pray my mind begins to wander. Do you ever have this problem?

I know I ought to pray more, but it seems like every time I try to pray my mind begins to wander after a few minutes. I know this isn't pleasing to God but I don't know what to do about it. Do you ever have this problem?

I've always used foul language without even thinking about it. Now I've become a Christian and I know it needs to stop. Any suggestions?

I didn't grow up in a Christian home and I've always used foul language without even thinking about it. Now I've become a Christian and I know it needs to stop, but I still have problems with it, particularly when I'm around my old friends. Any suggestions?

If I give my life to Jesus, do you think He will get my ex-wife and me back together? Do you think God will do that, if I turn to Him?

If I give my life to Jesus, do you think He will get my ex-wife and me back together? I can't blame her for leaving me, but I miss her and I'd do almost anything to get her back. Do you think God will do that, if I turn to Him?

I visited a church that said you had to be a member before you could take communion. Do they believe people from other churches aren't Christians?

I visited a church a few weeks ago that was celebrating the Lord's Supper (or communion), and I was surprised because they made a point of saying you had to be a member of their church before you could take part. Do they believe people from other churches aren't Christians?

Some years ago, I got involved in a cult. But after a few years I became a Christian. How can I help the cult members I left behind?

Some years ago, I got involved in a cult, but after a few years I realized they were twisting the Bible to make it say whatever they wanted it to say. To make a long story short, in time I became a Christian. But how can I help the cult members I left behind? They won't have anything to do with me now but I'm burdened for their salvation.

I enjoy reading the New Testament, but I just get bogged down in the Old Testament. Is it OK to skip it, since it no longer applies to us?

I enjoy reading the New Testament, but I just get bogged down in the Old Testament. Is it OK to skip it, since it no longer applies to us?

I know you get lots of letters from prisoners, but being a prisoner's wife is just as hard. I don't have a question, but I hope you'll pray for us.

I know you get lots of letters from prisoners, but I think being a prisoner's wife is just as hard. Sometimes I just want to move away and forget all about it, but, of course, I can't. It's especially hard on our children. I don't have a question, but I hope you'll pray for us.