
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I have been very successful in life, but down inside I've never been truly content. If you could tell me in one sentence how to be happy, what would you say?

I have been very successful in life, but I have to admit that down inside I've never been truly content. If you could tell me in just one sentence how to be happy, what would you say?

How could Jesus have been God (as you Christians claim) and yet still have died? How could God die?

How could Jesus have been God (as you Christians claim) and yet still have died? How could God die? I don't mean to be disrespectful to your beliefs, but I don't understand this.

You answered a question about the possibility of Satan ending up in Heaven, and you said he wouldn't. Doesn't the Bible say that the devil believes in Jesus?

Recently, you answered a question about the possibility of Satan ending up in Heaven, and you said he wouldn't. But doesn't the Bible say somewhere that the devil believes in Jesus, just like we do? Wouldn't this suggest that the devil just might make it into Heaven?

Why does Jesus say God has forsaken Him on the cross? How could God have abandoned Him right when He needed God the most? Will God ever forsake us?

We've been studying one of the Gospels in our small group Bible study at church, and recently we came across a place where Jesus says God has forsaken Him. Why did He say that? How could God have abandoned Him right when He needed God the most? Will God ever forsake us?

Do you believe God curses some people with bad luck all their lives?

Do you believe God curses some people with bad luck all their lives? I can't think of any other explanation for all the troubles I've had. No matter what I do, it just seems to get me into more trouble.

I feel so guilty and brokenhearted, because none of our children has turned out very well. Where did I go wrong?

I feel so guilty and brokenhearted, because none of our children has turned out very well—in trouble with the law, drugs, bad marriages, alcohol, you name it. Sometimes I wish I'd never been a mother. Where did I go wrong?

How do you know if your marriage is over? I found out a few months ago that my husband has been seeing another woman. I don't know what to do.

How do you know if your marriage is over? My husband says he loves me, but I found out a few months ago that he's been seeing another woman, and he still is. We're separated now, and I don't see how we can ever start over. It's broken my heart, but I don't know what to do.

I've had to stop working because of my cerebral palsy. I used to be very active in my church, but now it's all I can do just to show up. Why did God do this to me?

I've had to stop working because of my cerebral palsy, and now the only way I get around is in a motorized wheelchair. I used to be very active in my church, but now it's all I can do just to show up. Why did God do this to me? I feel so useless.

I was trained as a scientist, and I just can't bring myself to believe in something I can't prove (like God). What would you say to someone like me?

I admit I'm not a believer, but I am an honest seeker. My problem is that I was trained as a scientist, and I just can't bring myself to believe in something I can't prove (like God). People tell me just to take God on faith, but I can't. What would you say to someone like me?

My wife died a year ago, and at first everyone was very concerned and helpful. But now it's as if they don't know I exist. Why is this?

My wife died about a year ago, and at first everyone was very concerned and helpful. But now it's almost as if they don't know I exist—even people in my church. Why is this? Sometimes I get so lonely I can hardly stand it.

My sister died a few months ago. We hadn't spoken for over 20 years, but now I feel terrible that I never tried to mend our relationship.

Last week, I got word that my sister had died a few months ago. We didn't get along, and we hadn't spoken for over 20 years, but now I feel terrible that I never tried to mend our relationship (at least a little bit). I don't have a question, but maybe my experience will help someone do better than I did.

Do you see any signs of spiritual revival in our country (or anywhere else)? I get so discouraged at the way the world seems to be going.

Do you see any signs of spiritual revival in our country (or anywhere else, for that matter)? I get so discouraged at the way the world seems to be going, and it just seems like things are getting worse and worse.