
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My friend claims the Bible says God will forgive anyone, even at the last minute if they are sincere. Is this true?

I have a friend who says he's going to enjoy life and live it up while he can, and then when he's about to die he'll repent and turn to God. He claims the Bible says God will forgive anyone, even at the last minute if they are sincere. Is this true?

I have a friend who says that the Dead Sea Scrolls disprove Christianity. I don't know anything about this, but could he be right?

I have a friend who says that the Dead Sea Scrolls disprove Christianity. I don't know anything about this, but could he be right? I have tried to tell him about my faith in Christ but he isn't very open to what I say.

Is it normal to think about death a lot? I worry about dying, but when I told a friend he laughed and said I ought to live for the moment. Is he right?

Is it normal to think about death a lot? I have to admit I worry about dying, but when I told this to a friend not long ago he just laughed and said I ought to live for the moment and not worry about things like death that I can't do anything about. Is he right?

A Christian friend keeps urging me to ask Jesus into my heart, but if I did, how would I know He was really there? Would I feel different or something?

A Christian friend keeps urging me to ask Jesus into my heart, but I if I did, how would I know He was really there? Would I feel different or something?

My wife died two years ago, and the hardest part has been the loneliness. Am I doomed to be lonely the rest of my life?

My wife died almost two years ago, and I think the hardest part has been the loneliness. I'd like to remarry but my children keep dropping hints that they'd have a very hard time with that, so I haven't done anything. Am I doomed to be lonely the rest of my life?

Why doesn't the Bible tell us anything about Jesus' early life? I read once that Jesus supposedly spent His early years in Tibet or someplace like that.

Why doesn't the Bible tell us anything about Jesus' early life? I read on the jacket of a book once that Jesus supposedly spent His early years in Tibet or someplace like that, but I don't know where they got this information.

I'm a single mother living in a pretty rough part of our city, and I worry about my two boys. Am I just a worrywart?

I'm a single mother living in a pretty rough part of our city, and I worry about my two boys. They're going to be in their teens before long, and I'm really concerned they'll get into one of the gangs and get in trouble. Am I just a worrywart?

I'm tempted to cancel the annual Thanksgiving gathering at our house because it always ends with everyone getting mad. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks, and I'm already dreading it. We always have a big family gathering at our house, and it almost always ends up with hurt feelings and everyone getting mad. This year, I'm tempted just to cancel it. Do you have any better suggestion?

I strongly believe in spirituality, but I don't believe in God or Jesus like you do. True spirituality means being in harmony with the spiritual forces of the universe.

I strongly believe in spirituality, but I don't believe in God or Jesus like you do. In my view, true spirituality means being in harmony with the spiritual forces of the universe through meditation and things like that.

I've given up on God because He doesn't seem to care about me. I know you say God cares about us but I haven't seen any evidence of it in my life.

I've given up on God because He doesn't seem to care about me. I can't even begin to list all the problems I have—money, health, job, family tensions, you name it. I know you say God cares about us but I haven't seen any evidence of it in my life.

Where is the Golden Rule found in the Bible? I know that we're supposed to live by the Golden Rule but I want to be sure I know exactly what it says.

Where is the Golden Rule found in the Bible? I know that we're supposed to live by the Golden Rule but I want to be sure I know exactly what it says.

We had a series in Sunday School on great men and women of the Bible, and I'm discouraged because I know I'll never be able to serve God the way these people did.

We've just had a series in Sunday School on great men and women of the Bible, and I've come away from it with mixed feelings. On one hand, I found the series inspiring, but it's also been very discouraging because I know I'll never be able to serve God the way these people did.