
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I know some things are always wrong, but what about situations where the Bible doesn't give us a clear rule? How should we decide whether or not to do something that might be questionable? I travel a lot in my business, and I face this issue all the time.

I know some things are always wrong, but what about situations where the Bible doesn't give us a clear rule? How should we decide whether or not to do something that might be questionable? I travel a lot in my business, and I face this issue all the time.

Some people in our church have two sons. They both grew up in the same home but now they've gone very different ways. One is a dedicated Christian but the other is rebellious and wants nothing to do with God. How could this happen?

Some people in our church have two sons. They both grew up in the same home but now they've gone very different ways. One is a dedicated Christian but the other is rebellious and wants nothing to do with God. How could this happen?

Our children almost never call us or come see us. They say they're busy, and I'm sure they are, but it's lonely and even a brief phone call would make us happy. Could you please urge young people to stay in touch with their parents? It may not be important to them but it sure means a lot to us.

Our children almost never call us or come see us. They say they're busy, and I'm sure they are, but it's lonely and even a brief phone call would make us happy. Could you please urge young people to stay in touch with their parents? It may not be important to them but it sure means a lot to us.

Where did the devil come from? I suppose God must have created him, since God created everything that exists. But I have a hard time understanding this, since it would make God the creator of evil, wouldn't it? Or has the devil always existed?

Where did the devil come from? I suppose God must have created him, since God created everything that exists. But I have a hard time understanding this, since it would make God the creator of evil, wouldn't it? Or has the devil always existed?

Although our daughter's boyfriend doesn't have a church background, he seems very interested in Jesus. But he still has a lot of questions about God, and we don't know where to find the answers. Can you suggest a book or something that might help him? Thank you.

Although our daughter's boyfriend doesn't have a church background, he seems very interested in Jesus. But he still has a lot of questions about God, and we don't know where to find the answers. Can you suggest a book or something that might help him? Thank you.

I know we're supposed to forgive those who've hurt us, but sometimes it's really hard. Right now, I'm going through a very painful divorce, and I don't see how God expects me to have a forgiving spirit. Why bother anyway?

I know we're supposed to forgive those who've hurt us, but sometimes it's really hard. Right now, I'm going through a very painful divorce, and I don't see how God expects me to have a forgiving spirit. Why bother anyway?

How do I know God is listening to me when I pray? To be honest, I've about given up on prayer because it doesn't seem like it makes any difference. Has God turned His back on me?

How do I know God is listening to me when I pray? To be honest, I've about given up on prayer because it doesn't seem like it makes any difference. Has God turned His back on me?

My doctor has told me I have a crippling kind of arthritis, and it's just going to get worse and worse. He says there isn't much he can do, except give me some painkillers. I've always been strong and able to do just about anything I wanted to, and this is a real blow. Can God help me? Should I pray for a miracle?

My doctor has told me I have a crippling kind of arthritis, and it's just going to get worse and worse. He says there isn't much he can do, except give me some painkillers. I've always been strong and able to do just about anything I wanted to, and this is a real blow. Can God help me? Should I pray for a miracle?

I admit I've made some bad decisions in my life, but a couple of months ago God finally got my attention and I asked Jesus to take over. I know He's forgiven me, but I was hoping He'd also clean up some of the messes I've made, and so far He hasn't. Was I expecting too much?

I admit I've made some bad decisions in my life, but a couple of months ago God finally got my attention and I asked Jesus to take over. I know He's forgiven me, but I was hoping He'd also clean up some of the messes I've made, and so far He hasn't. Was I expecting too much?

I know that some people are fiercely opposed to religion, but most of the people I know just don't think about God very much. Most of them will say they believe in God, but their belief doesn't seem to make much difference to them. Why do you think this is?

I know that some people are fiercely opposed to religion, but most of the people I know just don't think about God very much. Most of them will say they believe in God, but their belief doesn't seem to make much difference to them. Why do you think this is?

Do you think there will be denominations in heaven (like Baptists, Methodists, and so forth)? A friend of mine is very committed to his own denomination, and sometimes I wonder if he thinks people from any other church are going to be there.

Do you think there will be denominations in heaven (like Baptists, Methodists, and so forth)? A friend of mine is very committed to his own denomination, and sometimes I wonder if he thinks people from any other church are going to be there.

Have you ever thought about using the Internet to spread the message of Christ? I know there's a lot of bad stuff on the Internet but is there any reason why it couldn't be used to tell people about Jesus?

Have you ever thought about using the Internet to spread the message of Christ? I know there's a lot of bad stuff on the Internet but is there any reason why it couldn't be used to tell people about Jesus?