
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My baby sister died when she was only a few months old, so I barely remember her (I was 6 at the time). Do you think I'll recognize her when I get to heaven? It may sound strange, but I've always felt lonely without her since I didn't have any other brothers or sisters.

My baby sister died when she was only a few months old, so I barely remember her (I was 6 at the time). Do you think I'll recognize her when I get to heaven? It may sound strange, but I've always felt lonely without her since I didn't have any other brothers or sisters.

Is being a preacher the only way to serve God? I'll be a senior in high school this year and I'm really starting to think about what I'll do with the rest of my life.

Is being a preacher the only way to serve God? I'll be a senior in high school this year and I'm really starting to think about what I'll do with the rest of my life.

I'm very disillusioned, because one of the most prominent leaders in one of our local churches just got caught in adultery. Apparently he'd been involved in this for years. Why should I bother with church, if this is what Christians are like? I don't have any use for hypocrites.

I'm very disillusioned, because one of the most prominent leaders in one of our local churches just got caught in adultery. Apparently he'd been involved in this for years. Why should I bother with church, if this is what Christians are like? I don't have any use for hypocrites.

I'm an old man now, and I'm haunted by all the bad things I've done and the knowledge that it's too late to make up for them. I wish I could go to heaven when I die, but now I know I won't. I don't know why I'm writing you, but maybe someone will read this and take a different path.

I'm an old man now, and I'm haunted by all the bad things I've done and the knowledge that it's too late to make up for them. I wish I could go to heaven when I die, but now I know I won't. I don't know why I'm writing you, but maybe someone will read this and take a different path.

When Jesus healed people, why did He tell some of them to keep quiet about it and not tell anyone?

I've never read the Bible very much, but recently I started reading it again and I was puzzled by something. When Jesus healed people, why did He tell some of them to keep quiet about it and not tell anyone? I'd think He'd want people to know, so more would come hear Him.

Does the Bible say anything about how a Christian should dress for church?

Does the Bible say anything about how a Christian should dress for church? I'm a new Christian and I can't afford to buy a lot of fancy new clothes to wear to church, which is what I was brought up to do.

When do we stop sinning as Christians? I guess I thought I'd quit doing wrong once I reached a certain level of spiritual maturity, but it hasn't happened.

When do we stop sinning as Christians? I don't do bad things as often as I used to, but I'm still far from perfect, and as a Christian I find this discouraging. I guess I thought I'd quit doing wrong once I reached a certain level of spiritual maturity, but it hasn't happened.

I'd give anything to know that God has forgiven me for a terrible sin I committed many years ago. But how can I know if He has? Maybe He decided I don't deserve to be forgiven, and He's condemned me to carry this burden the rest of my life.

I'd give anything to know that God has forgiven me for a terrible sin I committed many years ago. But how can I know if He has? Maybe He decided I don't deserve to be forgiven, and He's condemned me to carry this burden the rest of my life.

I think I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of death, because I've committed my life to Jesus. But I am afraid of the process of dying.

I think I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of death, because I've committed my life to Jesus and I know I'll go to be with Him in heaven. But I have to admit I'm afraid of the process of dying, especially after seeing my aunt die of bone cancer. Is this just a lack of faith on my part?

I've learned to discipline my tongue so I don't say bad things about people the way I used to, but I still have the same bad thoughts about them.

I've learned to discipline my tongue so I don't say bad things about people the way I used to, but I still have the same bad thoughts about them, even if I don't express them. But isn't thinking bad thoughts just as wrong as actually saying them?

I know preachers like to say that God gave marriage to us, but I think my marriages must have come from the devil. I'm only two years into my third marriage, and now it's fallen apart. How can I be sure my next marriage won't end up the same way?

I know preachers like to say that God gave marriage to us, but I think my marriages must have come from the devil. I'm only two years into my third marriage, and now it's fallen apart. How can I be sure my next marriage won't end up the same way?

Our college-age son says he doesn't believe in God anymore. We talk about it some (mainly when we're trying to get him to go to church), but we always end up arguing. How can we convince him that he's wrong?

Our college-age son says he doesn't believe in God anymore. We talk about it some (mainly when we're trying to get him to go to church), but we always end up arguing. How can we convince him that he's wrong?