
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Please pray for me. I'm trying to be a good Christian now but it's very hard, because I'm in prison and most of the men here don't have any use for God. They just laugh at people who claim to be Christians. Please pray that I'll not let the pressure get me down.

Please pray for me. I'm trying to be a good Christian now but it's very hard, because I'm in prison and most of the men here don't have any use for God. They just laugh at people who claim to be Christians. Please pray that I'll not let the pressure get me down.

Our son and his wife just had their first son, and we're very excited. Does the Bible say anything about what we ought to do to be good grandparents?

Our son and his wife just had their first son, and we're very excited. Does the Bible say anything about what we ought to do to be good grandparents?

How can I decide which Bible to buy? I don't know anything about the Bible, but I recently gave my life to Jesus and I want to begin reading it. However, I went to a bookstore the other day and just got confused because there seem to be so many kinds. Why is that?

How can I decide which Bible to buy? I don't know anything about the Bible, but I recently gave my life to Jesus and I want to begin reading it. However, I went to a bookstore the other day and just got confused because there seem to be so many kinds. Why is that?

What makes us different from the animals? My new science teacher says we really aren't any different, except that we have some mental abilities that other animals don't have. I don't think he believes in God, but I haven't asked him.

What makes us different from the animals? My new science teacher says we really aren't any different, except that we have some mental abilities that other animals don't have. I don't think he believes in God, but I haven't asked him.

Do you think we can change our lives by having strong positive thoughts about what we want to be, then living according to those thoughts? I read a book recently that seems to be saying this (if I understood it correctly) but so far it hasn't worked for me.

Do you think we can change our lives by having strong positive thoughts about what we want to be, then living according to those thoughts? I read a book recently that seems to be saying this (if I understood it correctly) but so far it hasn't worked for me.

I thought I'd licked my drug habit, and I did for a few months after getting out of rehab. But a few weeks ago, I ran across some old friends, and now I've stumbled. Please pray for me, that I'll get my life straightened out somehow.

I thought I'd licked my drug habit, and I did for a few months after getting out of rehab. But a few weeks ago, I ran across some old friends, and now I've stumbled. Please pray for me, that I'll get my life straightened out somehow.

I have a friend who says he's secretly in love with a woman who isn't his wife. He says he calls her every day and they always talk a long time, but since they aren't having sex he sees nothing wrong with it. Something doesn't seem right about this but he insists it's perfectly OK. Is he right?

I have a friend who says he's secretly in love with a woman who isn't his wife. He says he calls her every day and they always talk a long time, but since they aren't having sex he sees nothing wrong with it. Something doesn't seem right about this but he insists it's perfectly OK. Is he right?

For years I looked forward to quitting my job and retiring, but now that I'm actually retired I don't know what to do with myself.

For years I looked forward to quitting my job and retiring, but now that I'm actually retired I don't know what to do with myself. I thought I hated my job, but now I'd give almost anything to have it back. What's wrong?

Our son has been living with his girlfriend for over a year, and now they're going to have a baby.

Our son has been living with his girlfriend for over a year, and now they're going to have a baby. He wasn't brought up this way, and as Christians we don't know how to deal with it. My husband says we ought to just cut them off until they get married (which may never happen), but I hate the idea of never knowing my grandchild. What should we do?

How do you know God is real? My psychology professor at college last year said that the idea of "God" was just something human beings dreamed up.

How do you know God is real? My psychology professor at college last year said that the idea of Chr(34)GodChr(34) was just something human beings dreamed up, and people believe in God because they're afraid of being alone in the universe. How do I know she's not right?

Why doesn't Jesus come back to earth, like He promised He was going to do?

Why doesn't Jesus come back to earth, like He promised He was going to do? It seems like there's so much evil in the world now, and all our problems would be solved if He'd just hurry up and come back.

My family never had anything to do with religion, and they've always made fun of people who did. Well, recently I became a Christian, and now I'm the butt of their jokes. I feel so alone. I admit I don't like being an outcast from my own family. Have I done something wrong?

My family never had anything to do with religion, and they've always made fun of people who did. Well, recently I became a Christian, and now I'm the butt of their jokes. I feel so alone. I admit I don't like being an outcast from my own family. Have I done something wrong?