
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Whenever I get depressed I start eating, and now I'm quite a bit overweight. This makes me even more unhappy, so I eat even more. I need to get out of this, but how?

I'm in high school, and my family isn't a very happy one (divorce, unemployment, etc.). Whenever I get depressed I start eating, and now I'm quite a bit overweight. This makes me even more unhappy, so I eat even more. I need to get out of this, but how?

I'm a student from a country that has only a few Christians. I'd like to learn more about Christianity, but I'm confused because you have so many different churches here. Someone said to write you for suggestions.

I'm a student from a country that has only a few Christians. I'd like to learn more about Christianity, but I'm confused because you have so many different churches here. Someone said to write you for suggestions.

It seems like every time I try to help someone it turns out badly. Am I a fool for trying to help people when they're down on their luck and need a helping hand? I'd like to think it's the right thing to do, but then when they just take advantage of you, it's hard to keep on doing it.

It seems like every time I try to help someone it turns out badly. Am I a fool for trying to help people when they're down on their luck and need a helping hand? I'd like to think it's the right thing to do, but then when they just take advantage of you, it's hard to keep on doing it.

I grew up as a "P.K." (a "Preacher's Kid"), but when I reached my teens I got tired of all that and went in a much different direction. That was over 40 years ago, and now I'm wondering if I went too far. How can I find a faith that's right for me, and isn't just my parents' faith?

I grew up as a "P.K." (a "Preacher's Kid"), but when I reached my teens I got tired of all that and went in a much different direction. That was over 40 years ago, and now I'm wondering if I went too far. How can I find a faith that's right for me, and isn't just my parents' faith?

Where do evil thoughts come from? Does Satan put them there? Sometimes I think he must, because they just seem to pop into my head without any effort on my part. In any case, how are we supposed to deal with them?

Where do evil thoughts come from? Does Satan put them there? Sometimes I think he must, because they just seem to pop into my head without any effort on my part. In any case, how are we supposed to deal with them?

I fear God (which is what the Bible says we ought to do, doesn't it?). But I can't say that I love God. After all, how can you love someone if you're afraid of what they might do to you?

I fear God (which is what the Bible says we ought to do, doesn't it?). But I can't say that I love God. After all, how can you love someone if you're afraid of what they might do to you?

I've heard that the Bible says somewhere that we should try to be humble, but how do you go about doing it? I admit I have a problem with pride sometimes, but I'm not sure I know how to deal with it.

I've heard that the Bible says somewhere that we should try to be humble, but how do you go about doing it? I admit I have a problem with pride sometimes, but I'm not sure I know how to deal with it.

I have a bad habit that I know isn't good for my health, and it could even give me cancer or something if I don't stop. But no matter how hard I try, I still can't quit. Can God help me? He must be very disappointed in me.

I have a bad habit that I know isn't good for my health, and it could even give me cancer or something if I don't stop. But no matter how hard I try, I still can't quit. Can God help me? He must be very disappointed in me.

My sister and I had a falling out almost 30 years ago and we never spoke again. Now, I've learned that she died a few weeks ago, and I feel terrible that I didn't do anything to heal our relationship. I don't have a question, but maybe someone will learn from my mistake.

My sister and I had a falling out almost 30 years ago and we never spoke again. Now, I've learned that she died a few weeks ago, and I feel terrible that I didn't do anything to heal our relationship. I don't have a question, but maybe someone will learn from my mistake.

My fiancé admits he drinks too much sometimes but promises he'll stop once we get married. My parents say he's lying and I'm a fool to believe him, but I can't bear the thought of living without him the rest of my life. Who is right?

My fiancé admits he drinks too much sometimes but promises he'll stop once we get married. My parents say he's lying and I'm a fool to believe him, but I can't bear the thought of living without him the rest of my life. Who is right?

So far, my husband and I have managed to keep our jobs, but with the economy the way it is we've really cut back on our spending for fear we'll have to live off our savings some day. As part of this, we've almost stopped giving to our church and the charities we've supported. Are we wrong?

So far, my husband and I have managed to keep our jobs, but with the economy the way it is we've really cut back on our spending for fear we'll have to live off our savings some day. As part of this, we've almost stopped giving to our church and the charities we've supported. Are we wrong?

Recently, our pastor was preaching about heaven, and he said we would spend our time there worshipping God. I hate to admit this, but that doesn't sound very interesting to me. Most worship is kind of boring to me, frankly. Maybe you can enlighten me.

Recently, our pastor was preaching about heaven, and he said we would spend our time there worshipping God. I hate to admit this, but that doesn't sound very interesting to me. Most worship is kind of boring to me, frankly. Maybe you can enlighten me.