
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've always said I don't believe in the devil, but we had a terrible case of murder-suicide in our town and I'm beginning to wonder if he's real.

I've always said I don't believe in the devil, but we had a terrible case of murder-suicide in our town a few weeks ago and I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the devil is real after all. What happened just didn't make any sense, and I can't find any other explanation for it.

I have a friend who talks about having a personal relationship with God, but I don't know what that means.

I have a friend who talks about having a personal relationship with God, but I don't know what that means. I believe in God, but I can't say I have a personal relationship with Him. Can you explain this concept?

I know you've said that the Bible doesn't tell us exactly what Jesus looked like, but isn't there a description of Him in the book of Revelation? It seems like I've heard this somewhere.

I know you've said that the Bible doesn't tell us exactly what Jesus looked like, but isn't there a description of Him in the book of Revelation? It seems like I've heard this somewhere.

A friend of mine believes that the Antichrist is alive today, and he even thinks he knows who it is. Could he be right? What is the Antichrist, anyway?

A friend of mine believes that the Antichrist is alive today, and he even thinks he knows who it is. Could he be right? What is the Antichrist, anyway?

Where did Adam and Eve's sons get their wives? I've heard people talk about this for years, but I've never heard anyone give a clear answer.

Where did Adam and Eve's sons get their wives? I've heard people talk about this for years, but I've never heard anyone give a clear answer.

Why do so many celebrities get into moral trouble? Don't they realize it could destroy them? They ought to be thinking of the bad influence they're having on people who look up to them.

Why do so many celebrities get into moral trouble? Don't they realize it could destroy them? They ought to be thinking of the bad influence they're having on people who look up to them.

Are natural disasters sometimes an instrument of God’s judgment? I’ve wondered sometimes if God was trying to speak to us when these things happen.

Are natural disasters sometimes an instrument of God's judgment? I've wondered sometimes if God was trying to speak to us when these things happen.

Does God still heal people, like He did when Jesus was on earth? If He does, then why do we need doctors and medicine? Shouldn't a strong faith be enough, and isn't that what God wants us to have?

Does God still heal people, like He did when Jesus was on earth? If He does, then why do we need doctors and medicine? Shouldn't a strong faith be enough, and isn't that what God wants us to have?

I notice you always use the Bible as your source for what you believe, but how do you know it can be trusted? Maybe it's just a bunch of myths.

I notice you always use the Bible as your source for what you believe, but how do you know it can be trusted? Maybe it's just a bunch of myths.

How do I know when I make a decision about something that it'll be right? I'm afraid I'm not very good at making wise decisions.

How do I know when I make a decision about something that it'll be right? I'm afraid I'm not very good at making wise decisions.

Did Jesus ever smile or laugh, or was He solemn all the time? I have a friend who's very solemn, and he says he doesn't believe in laughing or cracking jokes, because Jesus never laughed, and we ought to be like Jesus.

Did Jesus ever smile or laugh, or was He solemn all the time? I have a friend who's very solemn, and he says he doesn't believe in laughing or cracking jokes, because Jesus never laughed, and we ought to be like Jesus.

Why has God forgotten me? I've been divorced for 15 years, and every time I think I've found the right man, I get dumped. I long to have someone love me, and I pray and pray but it doesn't do any good.

Why has God forgotten me? I've been divorced for 15 years, and every time I think I've found the right man, I get dumped. I long to have someone love me, and I pray and pray but it doesn't do any good.