
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why is pride supposed to be a sin?

Why is pride supposed to be a sin? I don't see what's wrong with taking pride in your work, or in your children, or things like that.

How can I get a stronger faith?

How can I get a stronger faith? Sometimes my faith seems strong and I feel very close to God, but other times it's very weak, and I'll even wonder if I have any faith left.

My neighbor says he used to go to church, but he got disillusioned by all the bickering that went on there and decided to drop out and forget about God.

My neighbor says he used to go to church, but he got disillusioned by all the bickering that went on there and decided to drop out and forget about God. Do you think he has a legitimate complaint, or is he just using this as an excuse?

I know you've said we ought to start teaching our children about God at a very young age, but our son is only 3 and can't seem to stay still for more than a couple of minutes.

I know you've said we ought to start teaching our children about God at a very young age, but our son is only 3 and can't seem to stay still for more than a couple of minutes. It doesn't seem practical to teach him about much of anything, let alone God.

I have a bad case of emphysema, and I know I don't have long to live.

I have a bad case of emphysema, and I know I don't have long to live. The doctor says I got it because I was a heavy smoker (and never really tried to quit, to be honest). I don't have a question, but maybe my letter will encourage someone to live a cleaner life.

I know you urge people to set aside time each day to read the Bible and pray, but I just can't seem to get it done.

I know you urge people to set aside time each day to read the Bible and pray, but I just can't seem to get it done. My life is so busy with our four children, and before I know it, the time has slipped away. Any suggestions?

I tell God every day that I wish He'd just take me on to heaven and not make me stay here any longer.

I tell God every day that I wish He'd just take me on to heaven and not make me stay here any longer. My husband died two years ago and I'm so lonely that all I can think about is being reunited with him in heaven. Am I wrong to feel this way?

Why should we bother trying to help people in countries that are poorer than us, when we have so many problems in our own nation that need to be solved?

Why should we bother trying to help people in countries that are poorer than us, when we have so many problems in our own nation that need to be solved?

My friend believes that when we die we don't go to heaven or anything like that, but we live our lives all over again, perhaps in other parts of the universe.

My friend believes that when we die we don't go to heaven or anything like that, but we live our lives all over again, perhaps in other parts of the universe. Does the Bible say anything that might support this?

Does God ever give us a second chance?

Does God ever give us a second chance? I've made some bad decisions about my life the last few years and now I'm paying the price for them. Does this mean God has given up on me and things will never get any better?

One of my friends has turned her back on me because she's gotten involved with a group that's wrapped up in some form of mystical meditation and talks about the earth as our mother, and things like that.

One of my friends has turned her back on me because she's gotten involved with a group that's wrapped up in some form of mystical meditation and talks about the earth as our mother, and things like that. I don't know if you'd call it a cult, but she refuses to have anything to do with me now because I'm a Christian. How can I help her?

I'm having a hard time these days, both physically (several surgeries in recent years) and spiritually.

I'm having a hard time these days, both physically (several surgeries in recent years) and spiritually. I know I asked Christ to come into my life when I was a teenager, but now I wonder if I'd go to heaven if something happened to me. How can I know?