
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I know I'm supposed to believe that God forgave all my sins when I gave my life to Jesus, but if that's true, why don't I feel any different?

I know I'm supposed to believe that God forgave all my sins when I gave my life to Jesus, but if that's true, why don't I feel any different? I still feel very guilty over what I did in the past.

All my life I've felt like I'm not worth anything.

All my life I've felt like I'm not worth anything. Some counseling has helped me understand why I feel this way (because my parents constantly told me I'd never amount to anything). But just knowing this doesn't make me feel any better. Do you have any suggestions?

How do you keep bad thoughts from taking over your mind?

How do you keep bad thoughts from taking over your mind? I'll be fine for a while, but then something will trigger my imagination and I'll start dwelling on things I know I shouldn't be thinking about. God must be very disappointed in me. How can I break this cycle?

My nephew refuses to look for a job because he says he knows what God wants him to do, and until God leads him to the right job, it would be wrong for him to take another.

My nephew refuses to look for a job because he says he knows what God wants him to do, and until God leads him to the right job, it would be wrong for him to take another. But he's mainly depending on his mother-in-law to support his family. Is this right?

If Jesus rose from the dead (which I gather Christians believe happened), then where is He now?

If Jesus rose from the dead (which I gather Christians believe happened), then where is He now? Could He be living in some far corner of the world, and some day He'll reveal Himself again? I don't have a church background but I've always been curious about this.

Our son (who's 11) is moderately autistic and has a hard time relating to people. How can he understand things like heaven or Jesus?

Our son (who's 11) is moderately autistic and has a hard time relating to people. How can he understand things like heaven or Jesus? I really struggle with this, because my relationship with God is very important to me and I want it to be important to him also.

I can't understand why Christians say you have to believe in Jesus before you can go to heaven.

I can't understand why Christians say you have to believe in Jesus before you can go to heaven. I don't think it matters what you believe, as long as you're sincere about it and try to live a good life.

I quit going to my church because I got tired of watching the members bicker and fight over everything.

I quit going to my church because I got tired of watching the members bicker and fight over everything. I thought Christians were supposed to be kind and loving to each other, but it isn't true, in my experience.

Do you think it's harder to be a young person today than it used to be, maybe a generation or two ago?

Do you think it's harder to be a young person today than it used to be, maybe a generation or two ago? My grandchildren seem to have so many problems and temptations that I never had to face, and I worry about what's going to happen to them.

My family has been torn apart by drugs, divorce and other things, and I worry all the time about what's going to happen to them.

My family has been torn apart by drugs, divorce and other things, and I worry all the time about what's going to happen to them. I feel so helpless, and no matter what I try to do it doesn't seem to make any difference. Pray that I'll know what to do. I just don't have any hope.

I'd really like to find God, but I get confused because there are so many religions.

I'd really like to find God, but I get confused because there are so many religions. I didn't grow up in a religious family, but I've studied some of the main religions, although I haven't made much progress. Maybe you can help me.

Do we go to heaven when we die, or do we have to wait until Jesus returns to enter heaven?

Do we go to heaven when we die, or do we have to wait until Jesus returns to enter heaven? My husband died a few months ago, and it would bring me great comfort to know he's with Jesus. But a friend of mine says she thinks this can't happen until Jesus returns.