
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I was supposed to retire by now, but my retirement account has taken a real hit in the last couple of years and now I'm going to have to keep working.

I was supposed to retire by now, but my retirement account has taken a real hit in the last couple of years and now I'm going to have to keep working. I admit I'm angry, and I don't understand why God let it happen. What do you think?

If God created everything, does that mean He also created the devil? Why did He do that?

If God created everything, does that mean He also created the devil? Why did He do that? Or does the devil actually exist? Maybe the idea of an evil supernatural being is just something we dreamed up to explain all the evil in the world.

I don't understand why God says we're guilty when we do wrong, because He must know that we're not perfect and we're going to make mistakes.

I don't understand why God says we're guilty when we do wrong, because He must know that we're not perfect and we're going to make mistakes. How can He expect us to do what is right, when He knows we aren't able to keep to the straight and narrow?

My sister is in a nursing home, and I get very sad when I see her every week because so many of the people there never have anyone visit them.

My sister is in a nursing home, and I get very sad when I see her every week because so many of the people there never have anyone visit them. Maybe you could urge people not to abandon their relatives if they have to go into a place like this.

Will we be reunited with our loved ones who've gone to heaven before us?

Will we be reunited with our loved ones who've gone to heaven before us? I'd like to think so, because I lost my wife last year and miss her very much. But I can't find anything in the Bible that says we will.

I retired last year, and at first I really enjoyed not having to work.

I retired last year, and at first I really enjoyed not having to work. But now I'm bored to death, and I know my wife wishes she could get me out of the house. Was I wrong to retire? Did people in the Bible retire when they reached a certain age?

All my life, I've been told that God hates sin, and since I'm a sinner, all I can expect is hell unless I turn my life around.

All my life, I've been told that God hates sin, and since I'm a sinner, all I can expect is hell unless I turn my life around. I've tried to do that, but I still have a deep fear of God. Is this what God is like?

I decided to read through one of the Gospels the other day, and it seemed to me that during His lifetime Jesus was just called "Jesus" by everyone.

I decided to read through one of the Gospels the other day, and it seemed to me that during His lifetime Jesus was just called "Jesus" by everyone. Is it wrong to refer to Him as "Christ"?

I don't understand my husband. We've been happily married over 50 years, but recently he's gotten very forgetful, and when I get after him for it he gets angry.

I don't understand my husband. We've been happily married over 50 years, but recently he's gotten very forgetful, and when I get after him for it he gets angry. I don't know how to deal with this.

My mother died recently, and although I know she's in heaven I worry about whether or not she's happy, if she still has health problems, and things like that.

My mother died recently, and although I know she's in heaven I worry about whether or not she's happy, if she still has health problems, and things like that. I've heard of someone who says she can communicate with people who've died, but my daughter says to stay away from this. What would you say?

I'm old and sick and don't have much time left, and as I look back over my life I know it's been wasted.

I'm old and sick and don't have much time left, and as I look back over my life I know it's been wasted. I thought I was having a good time, but now I realize it's too late and I'm not ready to meet God. Maybe someone will learn from my bad example.

I know our society has made a lot of progress in the field of civil rights in recent years, but do you think we'll ever eliminate all the injustices in our world?

I know our society has made a lot of progress in the field of civil rights in recent years, but do you think we'll ever eliminate all the injustices in our world? Sometimes I wonder if it'll ever happen.