
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've given up trying to be a Christian.

I've given up trying to be a Christian. I've tried and tried to be what I think God wants me to be, but no matter how hard I try, I keep failing. God must be very disappointed in me.

Somehow, I got on the mailing list of a religious group that keeps sending me their magazines and other things.

Somehow, I got on the mailing list of a religious group that keeps sending me their magazines and other things. They write a lot about what the world is going to be like once God takes control, but how do I know if what they're saying is true? I don't want to get sucked into a cult.

A friend of mine who likes to argue about religion claims the Bible says God created evil.

A friend of mine who likes to argue about religion claims the Bible says God created evil. He even showed me a verse somewhere that seemed to say this. Is he right? I don't see how this could be possible, if God is good.

Why can't people get along? My parents had five children, and for the most part, we've never gotten along.

Why can't people get along? My parents had five children, and for the most part, we've never gotten along. Today, we hardly have anything to do with each other. Now that I'm a Christian, I'd like to do something about this but I don't know how. Any suggestions?

Can I be a scientist and still believe in God?

Can I be a scientist and still believe in God? Science fascinates me and I plan to study it when I get to college next year, but my physics teacher says I'll have to give up believing in God and in Jesus if I pursue a career in science. Is he right?

How corrupt will the world have to get before God will decide to intervene and bring it all to an end?

How corrupt will the world have to get before God will decide to intervene and bring it all to an end? Our world seems to be getting worse and worse morally and spiritually, and I just wonder how much longer God is going to put up with it.

I'm angry at God for putting me through this. Can you understand why I feel this way?

I was in a very serious auto accident a few months ago, and I'm just getting out of the hospital. My wife tells me I ought to be thankful to God for sparing me, but to be honest I'm angry at God for putting me through this. Can you understand why I feel this way?

I grew up in a religious home, but I've come to the conclusion that religion is just superstition, and I don't believe in God.

I grew up in a religious home, but I've come to the conclusion that religion is just superstition, and I don't believe in God. What would you say to someone like me?

Will we experience emotions in heaven, and will they be similar to what we have down here — emotions like joy or anger?

Will we experience emotions in heaven, and will they be similar to what we have down here -- emotions like joy or anger? I've always wondered about this.

My mother and I always had a difficult relationship, and for the last 10 years we didn't even speak.

My mother and I always had a difficult relationship, and for the last 10 years we didn't even speak. Now she's gone, and I'd give anything to have just one minute with her to tell her I'm sorry. I hope you'll tell people not to wait until it's too late to try to mend a broken relationship.

I've been away from church most of my life, but now I think it's time for me to come back.

I've been away from church most of my life, but now I think it's time for me to come back. But which one should I choose? I don't want to spend a lot of time visiting every church in our area.

Our marriage finally ended after 18 years. The sad thing is, our two children (both teenagers) are taking opposite sides, with our son sticking up for his dad and our daughter taking my side.

Our marriage finally ended after 18 years. The sad thing is, our two children (both teenagers) are taking opposite sides, with our son sticking up for his dad and our daughter taking my side. I hate this. Is there any way to overcome it?