
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Church Leaders Need Our Prayers

Our church just started a big campaign to raise money to renovate our building and add some new youth facilities. But I'm not sure we ought to be doing this, and I don't want to support it. I like our church the way it is

Turn to Christ Before It's Too Late

A few years ago I had a bad health scare (a heart attack), and I told God I'd do anything He wanted me to do, if He'd only spare my life. Well, I guess He did, but I admit I haven't kept my end of the bargain. Is God going to punish me for this?

What's More Important: God or Money?

I think the only thing churches and other religious organizations are interested in is my money. I get tired of organizations begging for money all the time. At the end of the year my mailbox was stuffed with appeals for money.

Jesus Will Make All Things Right

I get very upset when I read about all the starving children in the world. Why doesn't God do something? Sometimes I wonder if God even cares.

Make Sure of Your Relationship With Christ Before You Marry

I admit my boyfriend isn't perfect, but he says that once we're married he'll stop drinking and find a good job and everything. My parents say I shouldn't believe him, but how do they know? I think he really loves me.

God Blesses Us With Life Enjoyment

We usually go to church every week, but our neighbor seems to be involved in church activities all the time. Does God look down on us because we also enjoy doing other things?

Turn Toward Christ and Away from Temptation

I'm being tempted to do something that I know is probably wrong, but what difference does it really make? After all, God has promised to forgive all our sins, hasn't He?

Avoid Psychics, Seek God's Guidance

I'm trying to decide something about my life, and a woman in our town says she can tell your fortune. I think she uses special cards or something. Do you think she could give me some good advice about my future?

How Should We Pray?

Does the Bible say how we're supposed to pray? For example, on our knees, or with our heads bowed? I don't want to offend God by praying in the wrong way.

How Do We Know Jesus Even Existed?

How do you know Jesus even existed? They didn't have television or newspapers or things like that two thousand years ago to document His life. Maybe somebody just made Him up, and then decided to start a new religion.

The Only Way to Heaven

I've always tried to be a good person and care about others, but now my friend is telling me that's not enough to get me into Heaven. This has me concerned. What else does God expect me to do?

There Is No Substitute for Christ

I've tried to talk to my cousin about Jesus, but she says it doesn't really matter what we believe about God as long as we're sincere. What can I say to her?