
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

God's Ways Are Always Best

I believe we have to make up our own minds about what's right and wrong. What people thought was right a couple of thousand years ago isn't necessarily right for us today. Times change, and so should our moral standards.

You Can Be Evidence of God's Love

How can I prove to my college roommates that the Bible is the Word of God? Whenever I try to tell them what the Bible says about Jesus, they say that's just my personal opinion because the Bible is just another book.

What can I do about the harsh and hurtful things my husband says to me?

What can I do about the harsh and hurtful things my husband says to me?

Be a Good Steward of Your Body

Several members of my family have died from cancer, and I'm afraid it will hit me also. I know I should go to the doctor and get checked out, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Why can't I get up the courage to do this?

Listen to What Scripture Says About Money

By the time you get this Christmas will be over, and my husband and I will be drowning in debt. Every year we say we won't overspend at Christmas, but we still do, and it takes us the rest of the year to pay it off. Does God care about things like this?

God Cares About the Details of Your Life

Maybe God exists and maybe He doesn't, but I don't see what difference it makes. We have to figure out on our own how we want to live, and whether or not we believe in God won't change that, as far as I can tell.

Prayer Doesn't Need to Be Formal

I memorized a few simple prayers when I was a child, but now I'm facing some hard times and those prayers don't seem to mean much. Will God be upset if I just tell Him what's going on in my life without using fancy words, like I was taught?

Salvation Is No Excuse to Indulge in Sin

I want to go to Heaven when I die, but in the meantime I intend to have a good time. Why shouldn't I? After all, Jesus forgave one of the men who was crucified with Him, although that man only had hours to live. Why won't He do the same for me?

Why Doesn't God Let Me Win the Lottery?

Why doesn't God let me win the lottery? It sure would solve my family's financial problems, but so far I've won very little and I'm actually in the hole for the year.

I heard a preacher on TV say the other day that America is filled with idols, and that most Americans are idol-worshippers.

I heard a preacher on TV say the other day that America is filled with idols, and that most Americans are idol-worshippers. I didn't hear the whole program, but what do you suppose he meant? We don't worship idols like people did thousands of years ago.

Are You Ready for Christ’s Return?

How bad is the world going to have to get before God finally steps in and Jesus comes back? I get very concerned when I see all the evil things that are happening in the world today. Are we living in the last times?

Why Even Go to Church?

My husband was transferred to a new city last year, but we've been busy and haven't gotten around to looking for a church. But since he's probably going to be transferred again in less than a year, why should we bother now? We'd barely get to know anyone.