To Forgive Others Who Hurt You Is Christlike
I don't believe in forgiving people who have hurt us. If anything, we ought to pray that God will punish them for what they've done. Forgiving someone who's hurt you doesn't do any good, in my opinion.
I don't believe in forgiving people who have hurt us. If anything, we ought to pray that God will punish them for what they've done. Forgiving someone who's hurt you doesn't do any good, in my opinion.
We told our daughter we didn't approve of her fiancé, but she wouldn't listen to us. So far they seem to be getting along OK, but we still think she could have done better. How should we handle this?
My grandmother gave me a Bible for Christmas, but I don't know what to do with it. She's coming to visit us in a few weeks and I know she'll ask me if I've read it. I tried, but I didn't understand it. Please help me.
Does God know everything that goes on in our lives, even including our thoughts? That kind of scares me, because I'd be very embarrassed if anyone knew what was going through my mind sometimes.
I know we're supposed to pray, and I try to, but often my mind drifts to other things when I'm praying, or I'll get sleepy. I know that's not good, but how can I avoid it?
I'm not sure the Bible is of much use today. For example, we don't practice idolatry, and yet the Old Testament talks a lot about idolatry and things like that. Maybe the Bible needs to be updated.
We're concerned because we found our son (who's 14) accessing a porn site on the Internet the other day. We gave him a strong lecture and I don't think he'll do it again, but why do they allow such things on the Internet? We were shocked.
Does God ever give up on a nation that turns against Him and deliberately does things that are morally wrong? Frankly, I worry about our nation. Have we reached the point of no return?
Will God do anything we ask Him to do, if we just pray hard enough and have enough faith? But if He won't, then why bother to pray?
I guess my husband and I had been drifting apart for several years, but now he's announced he's found someone else and has filed for divorce. It's too late now, but what went wrong? How can I prevent it happening again if I remarry?
I know I'm supposed to feel guilty when I sin, but I can't say that I really do. I guess that's why I've never felt any particular need for God. Why should I worry about this?