Is prayer a gift from God or a duty to God, and does God only hear the prayers of believers?
My husband died six months ago, after almost fifty years of marriage. At first people came around and showed lots of concern, but now no one hardly ever visits or calls me. Don't people realize how hard it is to lose someone you love?
I lost my wife to cancer. She was a wonderful Christian lady and I find my anger and resentment toward God unbearable. Why would He allow this to happen?
I hate to admit this, but my wife and I never got along, and when she died last year I wasn't all that sorry. But now I desperately miss her. I wish I could make up for those lost years. What's wrong with me?
My wife died last year, and I'm so lonely I sometimes wish Jesus would just take me to Heaven right now. We were each other's best friend, and I guess we never went out of our way to make other close friends. I'm not sure why I'm writing, but thank you for listening.
My husband and I have stayed together for the sake of our children, but they're on their own now, and we've decided to go ahead and get a divorce. But my mother keeps hoping we won't, and I promised her I'd write you first. But why keep a failed marriage together?