
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My mother's sister hasn't had anything to do with our family or with God for years.

My mother's sister hasn't had anything to do with our family or with God for years. Mother prayed and prayed for her, that she'd visit us and also turn back to God. But when Mother died a few months ago, she didn't even come to the funeral. Should we just give up on her?

You surely don't believe in hell, do you?

You surely don't believe in hell, do you? That went out with the Middle Ages, when people were ignorant and superstitious and didn't understand science. We're more enlightened today.

My husband is working on our income taxes for last year. He says everyone else cheats on their taxes, so why shouldn't we? Is he wrong?

My husband is working on our income taxes for last year. Since he got paid in cash for some of the jobs he did, he's not going to include this income on his tax form. He claims the government would just waste the money anyway. He says everyone else cheats on their taxes, so why shouldn't we? Is he wrong?

We prayed and prayed for my mother's cancer to be healed, and we really believed God was going to do it (as did she, for she had a strong faith). But He didn't, and we're devastated.

We prayed and prayed for my mother's cancer to be healed, and we really believed God was going to do it (as did she, for she had a strong faith). But He didn't, and we're devastated. Was it because we didn't have enough faith?

If Jesus is going to return some day and make the world a better place, why doesn't He go ahead and do it?

If Jesus is going to return some day and make the world a better place, why doesn't He go ahead and do it? The world is so messed up that I can't understand why He doesn't return now.

Recently, a couple came to our door and asked if they could read the Bible to us.

Recently, a couple came to our door and asked if they could read the Bible to us. We said yes, but later I began wondering if they were from a cult. They said Christian churches don't understand the Bible, and only their group understands it correctly. Are they right?

I respect your right to your opinions, but in my view, there's no difference between humans and other animals.

I respect your right to your opinions, but in my view, there's no difference between humans and other animals. We're more highly developed, but that's all, and when we die, we'll be just like they are: dead and gone.

I want to believe in Jesus, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I want to believe in Jesus, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Some of my Christian friends tell me that all I need to do is to have faith, but how can I have faith in something I'm not even sure is true? Is faith just a blind leap in the dark, like some people say?

Why do you Christians make such a big deal of Jesus' death?

Why do you Christians make such a big deal of Jesus' death? After all, throughout history lots of famous people (like Socrates) have been put to death for their beliefs. What makes Jesus so special?

I'm a university student here, and I come from a country that doesn't have many Christians. I'm curious to find out about your religious customs.

I'm a university student here, and I come from a country that doesn't have many Christians. I'm curious to find out about your religious customs. For example, what is this annual festival you call Easter?

Why were Jesus' disciples so disheartened and fearful after His death?

Why were Jesus' disciples so disheartened and fearful after His death? Hadn't He told them that He'd come back to life again?

Why did Jesus' enemies need to find someone to betray Jesus?

Why did Jesus' enemies need to find someone to betray Jesus? Couldn't they have just gone ahead and arrested Him? After all, from what I can tell He wasn't exactly trying to hide during those last days.