
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Did Jesus realize His enemies were planning to kill Him?

Did Jesus realize His enemies were planning to kill Him? If so, why didn't He just stay away from Jerusalem those last days, instead of deliberately going there and making it easy for them to arrest Him and put Him to death?

Do you think Jesus realized that people were going to turn against Him at the end of His life?

Do you think Jesus realized that people were going to turn against Him at the end of His life? I don't see why He would, especially after crowds welcomed Him when He rode into Jerusalem and wanted to make Him their king. Maybe He should've let them do it.

I suppose you’d call me a “Christmas and Easter” kind of Christian, because those are about the only days I go to church (except for weddings or funerals).

I suppose you'd call me a "Christmas and Easter" kind of Christian, because those are about the only days I go to church (except for weddings or funerals). Why should I bother doing any more?

What sins does God forgive when we ask Him to, and what sins does He expect us to pay for (either in this life or after we die)?

What sins does God forgive when we ask Him to, and what sins does He expect us to pay for (either in this life or after we die)? This bothers me, because I know I've been far from perfect.

How can you forgive someone who’s really hurt you, and yet they don’t even realize it?

How can you forgive someone who's really hurt you, and yet they don't even realize it? My business partner was lazy and it eventually destroyed our company, but he still blames it all on the economy. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I'd forgiven him, because I can't.

Have you ever thought about how big the universe is, and how small and insignificant we are by comparison?

Have you ever thought about how big the universe is, and how small and insignificant we are by comparison? God (if He exists) can't possibly be concerned with what happens on this little speck called earth, can He?

All my life I've been searching for someone who will love me.

All my life I've been searching for someone who will love me. But I always seem to fall for men who say they love me, but end up using me and then dropping me. Why can't I get it right?

I really don't like the way I'm living. How did I get like this?

I remember giving my life to Jesus in Sunday School when I was about 8, but that was 20 years ago and now I've gotten involved in some bad things I never thought I'd do. I really don't like the way I'm living. How did I get like this?

Someone gave our two children some games for Christmas (including a Ouija board) that are supposed to be able to tap into spiritual forces to predict the future.

Someone gave our two children some games for Christmas (including a Ouija board) that are supposed to be able to tap into spiritual forces to predict the future. She said they're just innocent games, but I'm not so sure, and I haven't let the children play with them yet. Am I just being narrow-minded?

Why bother believing in God, if He treats everyone the same way?

When a hurricane or some other disaster hits, then everyone suffers, whether they are religious or not. What difference does it make, then, whether or not we believe in God? Why bother believing in God, if He treats everyone the same way?

In my view, all religions are the same.

I don't think we should try to convert people from one religion to another, because in spite of our different labels, we all worship the same God. We may call Him by different names and have different ways of worship, but in my view, all religions are the same.

I know the Bible says somewhere that before Jesus Christ returns, the Antichrist will come into the world. But how will we recognize him?

I know the Bible says somewhere that before Jesus Christ returns, the Antichrist will come into the world. But how will we recognize him? Isn't he supposed to be able to work miracles and everything, just like Jesus did?