
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My neighbor just confessed to me that she's carrying on an affair behind her family's back, and is thinking about leaving them so she can marry her lover (who's also married).

My neighbor just confessed to me that she's carrying on an affair behind her family's back, and is thinking about leaving them so she can marry her lover (who's also married). I want to help her, but how can I? She claims she's at peace with her decisions.

My aunt went into a nursing home a few months ago, and whenever I go to see her I come away saddened because so many of the people there are lonely and never have any visitors.

My aunt went into a nursing home a few months ago, and whenever I go to see her I come away saddened because so many of the people there are lonely and never have any visitors. Should I encourage our pastor to start visiting there?

My aunt is in hospice with untreatable stage 4 cancer. What can I say to cheer her up?

My aunt is in hospice with untreatable stage 4 cancer, and she keeps asking me why God doesn't just let her die and go to be with Jesus. I always try to be optimistic and tell her she's going to get better, although we both know she isn't. What can I say to cheer her up?

What advice do you have for a new mother?

What advice do you have for a new mother? I didn't grow up in a stable home, and I don't want to make the same mistakes my mother made, even if they weren't always her fault.

I have a friend who says that Satan is actually very religious, because he believes in God and angels and all that, and is even a supporter of some religions.

I have a friend who says that Satan is actually very religious, because he believes in God and angels and all that, and is even a supporter of some religions. Where did my friend get this idea? I thought everything the devil did was evil.

Why do Christians ignore the Old Testament? It's the Word of God also, isn't it?

Why do Christians ignore the Old Testament? It's the Word of God also, isn't it? Personally, I find it fascinating, but maybe that's because I've always been interested in history, which is what you mostly find in the Old Testament.

We went to church on Easter, and the Bible reading included Pilate's question to Jesus, asking what truth is, but it sounded to me like Jesus didn't give him an answer.

We went to church on Easter, and the Bible reading included Pilate's question to Jesus, asking what truth is, but it sounded to me like Jesus didn't give him an answer. Was Jesus still searching for the truth, just like Pilate was?

I've always been fascinated with the future and how the world is going to end, so I've been trying to read the book of Revelation in the Bible.

I've always been fascinated with the future and how the world is going to end, so I've been trying to read the book of Revelation in the Bible. But to be honest, I can't make much sense of it. Can you give me some suggestions?

I've only been going to church for a few months, and it still makes me kind of nervous.

I've only been going to church for a few months, and it still makes me kind of nervous. I'm always afraid I'll make a fool of myself -- like standing at the wrong time or asking dumb questions. Will I ever get over this? Maybe church isn't for me.

I've been studying various world religions, and I've come to the conclusion that none of them has the answer.

I've been studying various world religions, and I've come to the conclusion that none of them has the answer. To be honest, this has left me kind of sad, because it means it's impossible for me to find God. I suppose you'd disagree, but why?

Where does evil come from?

Where does evil come from? My friend says it all comes from the devil, but I wonder if that's just an excuse to get us off the hook. Instead, I think we're responsible for the bad things that happen in the world.

My friend says she's spiritual but not religious. What do you suppose she means?

My friend says she's spiritual but not religious. What do you suppose she means? She turned me down when I asked her to go to church with me, and said she didn't believe in organized religion.