
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My husband retired last year, and two months later we sold our home and moved South, like we've always dreamed of doing. Did we make a wrong decision?

My husband retired last year, and two months later we sold our home and moved South, like we've always dreamed of doing. But now we're wondering if we made a mistake. We don't know anyone here, and it's too far from our children. Did we make a wrong decision?

What is Jesus doing right now?

What is Jesus doing right now? I heard that He went to heaven after He rose from the dead, but why didn't He just stay here on earth?

Do you Christians worship three Gods, or just one?

Do you Christians worship three Gods, or just one? I've heard about God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but doesn't that mean you believe in three Gods? I've always wondered about this.

I feel terrible because my grandmother raised me after my parents' divorce, and after she died I realized I never even thanked her for all she did for me.

I feel terrible because my grandmother raised me after my parents' divorce, and after she died I realized I never even thanked her for all she did for me. How could I have been so thoughtless? Will God forgive me?

Will God forgive me if I don't read the Bible?

I know I'm supposed to read the Bible, but I've never been much of a reader and I just have a hard time getting going. Will God forgive me if I don't read the Bible? Maybe the Bible is just for preachers.

Is it worth it to try to teach young children about God or the Bible?

Is it worth it to try to teach young children about God or the Bible? Our son is 6, and sometimes I think it's a waste of time to try to teach him anything about God. Right now, he only understands things he can see.

I've heard the Bible says somewhere that the devil is a liar, and I'm sure it's true. But what is his biggest lie?

I've heard the Bible says somewhere that the devil is a liar, and I'm sure it's true. But what is his biggest lie? Maybe your answer would help me to be on guard against it.

How bad can you be and still be a Christian?

I have a cousin who says he believes in Jesus and claims he's going to go to heaven when he dies, but he sure doesn't act like a Christian. How bad can you be and still be a Christian?

We tried to raise our daughter to do what's right, but she's gone off the deep end and is living in exactly the opposite way.

We tried to raise our daughter to do what's right, but she's gone off the deep end and is living in exactly the opposite way. The strange thing is that she still wants to be close to our family. Should we just overlook the way she's living and pretend it doesn't matter?

Our parents just told us they're getting divorced.

Our parents just told us they're getting divorced. We're not surprised, but they also told us they've stayed together all these years just for our sake, until we were grown. We feel very guilty, because they could've gone their separate ways and been happy if it hadn't been for us. Are we wrong to feel this way?

Our church is involved in a community ministry to homeless people, but it's discouraging because you see the same people all the time and we don't seem to be doing any good.

Our church is involved in a community ministry to homeless people, but it's discouraging because you see the same people all the time and we don't seem to be doing any good. Shouldn't we use our limited resources to actually accomplish something?

I've always heard that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner," but is this really true?

I've always heard that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner," but is this really true?