
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

We, like Judas, can be deceitful and betray Christ

Why did Judas betray Jesus? It's never made sense to me, because for years he'd been close to Jesus, hearing His teachings and seeing His miracles. And anyway, why did the authorities even need to find someone to betray Jesus?

As in his own day, many people still resist the message of Christ

Out of curiosity, I read through one of the Gospels recently, and I was puzzled why some people opposed Jesus and even wanted to kill Him. It seems to me that they should have welcomed Him. It didn't make sense to me.

Jesus willingly sacrificed himself for our sins

Did Jesus know in advance that He was going to be put to death? If so, why didn't He just back away or try to escape?

Jesus did not come to defeat the Roman rulers, but to save our souls

Why didn't Jesus take advantage of His popularity and allow the people to proclaim Him their king? With such strong support He could've done a lot of good, it seems to me.

Don’t let exercise regimen come before your family responsibilities

My wife gets after me because she says I spend too much time at the gym. I admit I do go there every day for several hours or so after work, but God wants us to take care of our bodies, doesn't He?

Pray that friend will learn the full meaning of Easter this year

I have a friend who doesn't bother with God or church most of the year, but as Easter approaches she suddenly gets religious—goes to church, observes Lent and so forth. Do you think she's a real Christian, or is it all fake?

A modern translation may help you understand the Bible better

I don't mean to offend you, but I've tried to read the Bible and found it kind of dull. And yet some of my friends find it exciting. What's wrong? Why don't I get anything out of it?

After prison, with God's help, you can turn your life around

I got involved in something I knew was wrong (and also stupid), but a couple of friends talked me into it, and now we're in jail and facing trial. I never thought this would happen to me, and it's really hurt my parents. Pray I'll get out of this somehow.

God is anything but an unconcerned bystander in our lives!

I'm facing a big decision about my future, and I don't know which way to go. Does God care what I do? Or does it not really matter to Him?

Love, patience and wisdom are what teens need most from parents

We just don't understand our two daughters. They're teenagers now, and one day they'll be happy and carefree, and the next day they'll be sullen and moody and will hardly speak to us. What's going on?

A church building can be a valuable tool to draw people to Christ

Our church has started a big building campaign, but I'm not sure I'm in favor of it. After all, the early Christians didn't have fancy buildings. They just met in their houses, from what I've heard. Am I wrong to feel this way?

Being a wise mother-in-law can be challenging

How can I be a good mother-in-law? Our son got married a few months ago and they live fairly near us. It's hard for me not to call them every day, but I don't want to be an interfering mother-in-law. How can I avoid this but still let them know I care?