
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Christ, not suicide, offers the path to love, peace and freedom from pain

My friend's father took his own life recently, and it's been very hard on his family. He was beginning to have some serious health issues, and he left a note saying he didn't want to be a burden to anyone. Was this a good reason?

God does hear our prayers for world peace – and every other concern

Our pastor always prays for our leaders and for world peace, but does it really do any good? The world seems just as messed up as it ever was. Isn't praying for vague things like

Jesus came to make our lives complete—not miserable!

I'm not interested in God, and I can't understand why anyone would want to be. I have my own life to live, and I don't need God telling me what to do. Having God around would just be a bother. I had enough of God when I was a kid.

God is not in a place, but everywhere

Where is God? My Christian friend says He is somewhere up in heaven, but my yoga instructor says God dwells in every one of us, and we just need to look within to connect with The Divine (which is what she calls God). Who's right?

God calls us to do all we can to help others

My brother has kidney disease, and unless things change he'll probably need a kidney transplant. Is there anything in the Bible to keep me from offering him one of my kidneys? I want to help him, but I don't want to do anything God forbids.

In heaven, everything that worries or distracts us now will fade in the light of God's glory

When we get to heaven, will we ever have worries or bad thoughts, or think about things we really shouldn't think about? Sometimes my brain wanders all over the place, and I find myself thinking about things I know I shouldn't. Will it be different in heaven?

Turn to God and His word when you feel discouraged

Is it a sin to get discouraged when things don't go the way we want them to? Did Jesus ever get discouraged?

Jesus submitted to death for our sake

I've always been puzzled by a prayer of Jesus just before His arrest. From what I've heard, it almost sounds like He didn't want to die, and was even asking God to stop what was about to happen. Is this true?

Christ's death and resurrection are equally important for our salvation

In your opinion, which was more important, Jesus' death on the cross or His resurrection from the dead? Some of us were talking about this the other day in our small group Bible study, and we couldn't come to any conclusion.

Like Christ's disciples, we can fail to understand His promises

Why were Jesus' disciples so depressed after He was put to death? Hadn't He promised them that He'd come back from the grave? Why didn't they believe Him?

Christ's resurrection tells us we need not fear death

Was Jesus really dead when they took Him down from the cross? I have a hard time believing that, because everyone knows that dead people just don't come back to life -- which is what you Christians claim Jesus did, don't you?

Christ's sacrifice makes this a very 'Good' Friday

Why is the day on which Jesus died called