
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Even young children can learn about God in church

What good does it do to bring our young children to church? They're too young to get anything out of it, and anyway, I know their constant squirming must be a distraction to others.

You must confront your father with love about his drinking

My father never had any problems with alcohol, but after mother died last year he began drinking heavily, and now it's gotten out of control. How can my brothers and I help him? If we try to say anything he just leaves the room.

You can start over after prison, and succeed

I get out of prison in a few months, but my wife has left me and my children don't want anything to do with me. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know I need to start over, but I don't know how. I never thought my life would turn out like this.

God’s Promise is Clear: Those Who Believe Will be Saved

Do you believe in

Encourage Dying Friend to Look Beyond her Suffering to the Promise of Heaven

A friend is dying of cancer and is not expected to live much longer. Yesterday, she asked me to help plan her funeral service. I didn't have the nerve to tell her no, but doesn't she need encouragement right now, instead of thinking about her death?

God will always need workers 'in His harvest field'

Some of our young people went on a church mission trip this summer, and now a couple of them are saying they're going to become missionaries. But are missionaries still needed?

The Bible is unlike any other book ever written

I don't see why you think the Bible is any different from other ancient books. I'm sure it has a lot to teach us, but so do other books. I grew up in a religious family and was taught to believe the Bible came from God, but I don't hold to that anymore.

Be grateful to God for your second chance at life

I've always been a strong person, able to do anything I wanted to and was almost never sick. Then, a few months ago, I had a heart attack followed by bypass surgery. Now, I'm weak, depressed and angry at God. Why did He let this happen?

With Christ, you can overcome your problems

You're always telling people that God loves them, but if that's true, then why is my life such a mess? No matter what I do, it never works out. Maybe God loves some people, but I don't think He loves me.

Encourage troubled sister to seek strength from God

I wish I could help my sister. Her husband just left her for another woman, and it's really depressing her. I've tried to cheer her up by saying it's best since he never treated her well, anyway, but this hasn't helped. What can I do?

You can still serve God in an assisted living center

I feel so useless. I used to be very active in my church, but I'm old now and confined to an assisted living facility, and I can't do anything. Sometimes I can't see any reason for living, but I guess God doesn't see it that way or He'd take me to heaven.

Running from God leads to a dead end

My aunt says I'm running from God, but I don't agree. I'm just having a good time, and some day, if I feel like it, I'll turn to God. Why won't she stop bugging me, telling me I need Jesus and saying she's praying for me, and all that?