
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Make the Bible part of your life every day

How can I find something in the Bible that I remember from somewhere, but I don't know where it appears? For example, when I was a child my mother made me memorize some passages in the Bible, but I don't remember where they are, and I'd like to find them again.

God forgives all our sins – even those we forget to confess

Will God forgive even the sins we forget to confess to Him? At the end of each day, I try my best to remember everything I've done wrong and ask God to forgive me, but I'm sure I must miss something.

Be a good listener and pray for friend facing divorce

How can I help my friend? She found out recently that her husband has been unfaithful, and now he's moved in with his lover and filing for divorce. My friend is devastated. How can I encourage her when her future looks so bleak? I feel so inadequate.

Don't wait any longer to seek God's forgiveness

I know it won't be long before I have to stand before God and be judged for something terrible I did over 50 years ago. The closer I get to the end of my life, the more frightened I become. What is hell like?

You can be confident in Christ, no matter what problems you face

I keep going to my doctor about my physical problems, but all he'll tell me is that they're probably caused by stress. But I'm afraid he's overlooking something serious, like cancer. Pray I'll find the answer to my problems.

Christ offers you a new, joy-filled way of living

I know you say a person's life is incomplete without God, but I don't agree. I think the opposite is true. If I had God in my life, He'd just mess it up because He'd make me stop doing some of the things I enjoy doing right now. What if I don't want to change?

Don't give up on niece who rebuffs your advice

My niece is trapped in a really bad relationship (not married, but living together). It has no future, but she refuses to see this. We've tried to tell her to get out of the relationship, but she just gets mad. How can we help her?

Our emotions may waver, but God never changes

My sister-in-law is a very devout person most of the time, but she also gets upset fairly easily when things don't go her way, and then she doubts if God even cares about her. What can I suggest she do to have a more stable faith?

There are many ways to learn the truths of the Bible

I know you tell people they ought to read the Bible, but I have a serious reading disability and have never been much of a reader. I just can't get into it. Is this a sin?

With God's help, marriages can survive conflict

People sometimes ask how my husband and I have stayed together for 40 years, since our personalities are so different. For example, I'm a detail person and he isn't. Please encourage couples to stay together, even if they have differences. It can happen, with God's help.

There is ample evidence that Jesus was divine

agree that Jesus was a great man, but where did the idea come from that He was also God? I suppose some of His followers came up with this, but I don't think Jesus was any different from you or me.

Many young people are searching for God, not rejecting Him

I get very concerned about the future, because young people today just don't seem to care about God. Why is this? I suppose our generation has failed them, but what can be done about it?