
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I know the Bible says that in heaven we won't have any more pain or sorrow, and I believe that. But if that's true, why doesn't God take us to heaven right now? Frankly, life gets to be a burden sometimes, and when it does, I yearn for heaven. Is it wrong to feel this way?

I know the Bible says that in heaven we won't have any more pain or sorrow, and I believe that. But if that's true, why doesn't God take us to heaven right now? Frankly, life gets to be a burden sometimes, and when it does, I yearn for heaven. Is it wrong to feel this way?

Is it possible to really know you'll go to heaven when you die? I've always tried to be a good person, but I worry about whether or not I've been good enough to get into heaven. How can I know?

Is it possible to really know you'll go to heaven when you die? I've always tried to be a good person, but I worry about whether or not I've been good enough to get into heaven. How can I know?

You can be "the light of the world" for colleague who rejects God

Why are some people so hostile toward God? A man I work with is like this; if someone even mentions God or Jesus in his presence he gets upset. I asked him once why he reacts this way, but his answer didn't make any sense to me.

I have mixed feelings about how our family should be involved in Halloween. What should I do?

Put your life – and your future – in Christ's hands

Can some people really foretell the future? I admit I'd like to know what's going to happen to me, but I'm not sure if I really ought to get involved with a lady near us who claims she can predict the future through cards and things like that.

Is Christianity dying in Europe?

My husband and I traveled to Europe for the first time this summer, and we were shocked when we visited some of those vast cathedrals and found out only a handful of people attend services now. Is Christianity dying over there? Could it happen here?

In some parts of the world, Christians are still persecuted

I read an article recently that said more Christians are dying for their faith today than at any other time in history. Is this true? Why don't we ever hear about this?

In Christ, we become members of the family of God

Can you lose your salvation once you've honestly committed your life to Jesus? A friend of mine says you can, and another says you can't. This bothers me, because I sincerely believe in Jesus, but I'm afraid I'll do something wrong and maybe lose it all.

God does not ask us to be perfect

If I become a Christian, will I have to be perfect? A friend of mine is urging me to ask Jesus to come into my life, but I don't think I'd ever be able to do what God requires.

Explore your doubts before they destroy your faith

Is it wrong to have doubts about God? My parents say I shouldn't question anything but just take it on faith, but I have a hard time doing that. When some of my friends ask why I believe in Jesus, they aren't convinced if I just say I have faith.

Our consciences can be dulled by repeated sin

How can we explain the senseless acts of violence that seem to happen almost every day? I was brought up to believe we all have a conscience, and therefore we all should know the difference between right and wrong. But this doesn't seem to be the case with some people today.

Prayer is powerful, even for those not yet born

I find myself wanting to pray for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but they haven't even been born yet. Is it silly for me to do this? I do worry about those who'll come after me, and what kind of a world they'll be facing.