
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Concentrate on having a peaceful Thanksgiving

We have some relatives coming for dinner this Thanksgiving, and to be honest I'm not looking forward to it. They usually end up arguing about something or gossiping about other members of the family, and it just gets everyone upset. How can we keep this from happening?

Heaven offers a far brighter future than reincarnation

Personally, I find reincarnation very attractive. The idea of an endless heaven doesn't appeal to me, but once I die I look forward to living again and again -- maybe on this earth, maybe somewhere else. Wouldn't that be exciting?

Embrace the opportunity to host foreign students for Thanksgiving

Our church has been asked by a local college to find families to take care of some of their foreign students over Thanksgiving. We've thought about doing this, but I'm not sure if we're really up to it. What do you think?

Life in Christ brings true freedom

I agree that people ought to be legally free to believe in God and follow whatever they think He wants them to do. But since I don't feel any need for God or religion myself, then I ought to be just as free to live any way I want to, shouldn't I?

Satan is Real, and a Real Threat

What do you think of when you hear the word Satan? You don't imagine that Satan is a real person in a red suit and a forked tail, or something like that, do you? I think Satan is just a symbol for evil.

Pray for troubled pastor forced to resign

Our paper ran a story recently about the pastor of one of our local churches who's been forced to resign because he got caught in an extramarital affair. How could this happen? Aren't people like this supposed to be a good example to others?

Concentrate on activities that embody the true meaning of Christmas

I know Christmas is still weeks away, but I'm already dreading it. For us, it's just one hassle after another, plus spending money on relatives we almost never see. I know I shouldn't feel like this, but I can't help it. How can I change my attitude?

Christians should be joyful people!

Why are some Christians so grumpy? We have some neighbors like this—always complaining about something and making life difficult for everyone around them. I'm sure they're sincere about their faith, but I wish they weren't so unpleasant.

Following Jesus is not a burden!

What does it mean to follow Jesus? My life is so busy that I can't imagine taking a couple of hours every day to pray, like I guess saintly people are supposed to do.

Only Jesus can forgive our sins

Why do we need Jesus? Isn't it enough to believe in God? I don't see where Jesus fits into the picture.

If God could forgive Paul, he can certainly forgive you!

How bad do you have to be before God won't have anything to do with you? I've lived a pretty wild life and I'm in jail now. Two men on my block have become Christians and are urging me to do the same, but I honestly can't believe God could ever forgive me.

God wants to fill our empty hearts with Himself

How can you tell if you need God? My friends think I have everything anyone could ever want, but down inside I still feel an emptiness that nothing seems to satisfy. They'd think I was crazy if they knew I was writing you, but something's missing and I don't know what it is.