
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

With God's help, you can pull free from the bitterness of divorce

I went through a bitter divorce about two years ago, and I'll never get over it. I know I ought to forgive my ex-wife for all she did (including taking our children and almost all my money), but I never can. I know that's not very Christian, but I can't help it. Can you help me?

Face honestly your need for God

We moved across the country last year, and our family got so busy we just stopped going to church. Besides that, we like having our weekends to ourselves. You'll probably try to talk us into going back to church, but why should we? We don't really miss it.

Don't give up on daughter going down the wrong road

Why do some people insist on doing things they know will hurt them? Our daughter just laughs at us when we try to tell her she's going down the wrong road, and she's only hurting herself. It really breaks our hearts. What's wrong with her?

Pray for those opposed to Christ and all He represents

A few weeks before Christmas, a group claiming to be pagans demanded the city take down its holiday decorations (although they aren't really Christian; just snowflakes, candy canes and things like that). Were they sincere, do you think, or just trying to get some attention?

With God’s help, you can overcome stubbornness

My husband and I love each other very much, yet we're both very stubborn and end up fighting far more than we probably should. Recently, I realized that we were setting a bad example for our children, but what can we do? We can't change our personalities.

Caregivers deserve our prayers, respect and concern

With Christ, the future is always bright

I'm concerned about my husband. He's always been very positive and active, but since having open heart surgery several months ago, he's turned grumpy and depressed. He even says he thinks God has abandoned him. How can I help him?

Ask Christ to take control of your money – and your life

I just added up all the credit card slips from our Christmas spending, and I'm really depressed. It's going to take all year to pay them off. I don't know why I'm writing, but how did we get in this mess? God must be very disappointed in us.

Waiting to repent only makes things worse

My nephew admits he isn't living the way God probably wants him to live, but he says he can always turn to God later on in life, and God will still forgive him. Is he right? Does God ever lose patience with us?

Never believe the lie that you are useless!

The holidays were really bad for me, because my company laid off a number of employees (including me) just a few weeks before Christmas. I'll get unemployment benefits and all that, but I feel so useless and depressed. You'll probably tell me to pray, but I don't even feel like it. What should I do?

God is anxious to help you overcome alcoholism

Both my parents were alcoholics. I always swore I'd never go down that path, but now I'm afraid I have. What's wrong with me? I know alcohol will destroy me, but I can't seem to stop, no matter how many times I say I'm going to. Can God help me?

Pray for cousin who refuses to acknowledge God

My cousin wants nothing to do with God. If he were a bad person or had messed up his life, then maybe he'd realize he needs God. But he's not this way, and he just laughs at me and says he doesn't see any reason to bother with God. How can I convince him otherwise?