
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Don't let negative memories of church poison it for your children

I had to go to church when I was young, but I always resented it and quit once I got older. Now, I'm married with two small children, and my wife thinks we ought to start going to church for their sakes. But what's to keep them from resenting it like I did?

Faith must be nurtured to remain strong

Why is my faith so shaky? Sometimes I feel very close to God, but then something happens and it feels like God is a million miles away. Is there any way out of this?

God's mercy allows for unlimited 'second chances'

Despite our failings, God never gives up on us!

I know you believe God loves us, but why should He? After all, the human race certainly isn't very lovable—not if you read the headlines or look at the way most people live. If I were God, I think I'd just give up on us.

Be patient, loving about the shortcomings of others

No one likes to invite my aunt to family gatherings because all she does is talk about herself. She never listens or shows any interest in what's happening to anyone else, and it's hard having her around. What can we do about this?

Churches can differ but still be focused on Christ

I get confused by all the different beliefs among churches (which is why I've never joined one). Shouldn't they all believe the same things if they're sincerely following Jesus?

God seeks to rule over our lives

I don't believe in some vague

Forgiveness, not revenge, is the only way to true peace

Is it wrong to get back at someone who's hurt you? A friend said some very hurtful things about me recently, and now I've found out something about her that would really embarrass her if I revealed it. My husband says to forget it, but I can't.

When money is your only goal, you're on the wrong track

When our family got together over the holidays we began talking about what we wanted out of life, and one of my cousins answered with one word: money. I guess I've never thought about this much, except to be happy. Is my cousin on the right track? Should this be my goal, too?

Life's greatest joy comes from knowing and walking with Christ

I realize religion is a great comfort to some people, and I'm glad it is. However, I don't feel any need for that kind of emotional support, so why should I bother getting involved in my girlfriend's church (which she keeps wanting me to do)?

Seemingly insignificant mission trip could have wide-reaching impact

My wife and I spent our Christmas holiday on a church-sponsored mission trip, helping build a school in another country. It really shocked us, because we'd never seen how people in poorer countries live. Is there any hope for them? What we did seemed so insignificant.

Only Christ can transform us from within

Why is there so much violence in the world today? You'd think terrorists and people like that would realize violence only makes things worse, but they never do. What's wrong with them? Don't most people want to live in peace?