
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Is it wrong to pray for money for our medical expenses?

Is it wrong to pray for money for our medical expenses? We have a lot of them right now, and we simply don't have enough money to meet our bills. Does God care about things like this, or would it be wrong to ask Him to help us?

I know you don't approve of things like fortune telling and seeking guidance from departed spirits, but how can you be so sure they aren't right?

I know from your column that you don't approve of things like fortune telling and seeking guidance from departed spirits, but how can you be so sure they aren't right? Personally, I think they are gifts from God, and I sincerely believe we ought to embrace them.

My husband retired a year ago, and now he's bored and constantly gets in my way. Do you have any suggestions?

My husband is about to drive me crazy. He retired a year ago, and now that he's run out of projects to do around the house he's bored and constantly gets in my way. We always looked forward to his retirement but now I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Do you have any suggestions?

My husband's parents are good people, but they act almost as if our children don't exist, while their other grandchildren get all the attention. Isn't this wrong?

I wish you'd say something in your column about how grandparents should treat their grandchildren. My husband's parents are good people, but they act almost as if our children don't exist, while their other grandchildren get all the attention. Isn't this wrong?

I wish you'd encourage churches to have some of their people visit nursing homes from time to time.

I wish you'd encourage churches to have some of their people visit nursing homes from time to time. I've been in one for two years now, and it's very lonely here. All my relatives live far away, and I almost never have any visitors. Thank you.

I wish my pastor wouldn't spend so much time talking about money. What do you think about this?

Every year about this time, our pastor spends several weeks talking about our new church budget, and how we ought to give more to it. Frankly, I get kind of tired of it and wish he wouldn't spend so much time talking about money. What do you think about this?

Do you think we have a second chance to give our lives to Jesus and be saved after we die?

Do you think we have a second chance to give our lives to Jesus and be saved after we die? I have a cousin who thinks we do, and he says he's depending on it because he doesn't want to live for God right now.

Sometimes, I find myself praying to my deceased mother and asking her to talk to Jesus on my behalf. Can she hear me and answer my request?

My mother died about a year ago, and I think about her a lot. Sometimes, I even find myself praying to her and asking her to talk to Jesus on my behalf. Do you think she can hear me and will answer my request?

How good you have to be to get into heaven? Can we know before we die?

My sister and I have been having a discussion about how good you have to be to get into heaven. Finally, we concluded that we'll probably not know the answer until we die—but then it'll be too late. Are we right?

I guess you'd say we have a very dysfunctional family, because we can't seem to get along with each other. Why are some families like this?

I guess you'd say we have a very dysfunctional family, because we can't seem to get along with each other. Our mother is always upset at some of us, and most of us don't get along, either. I'm the only active Christian in the family, and I wish we could be at peace, but I don't seem to be able to do much. Why are some families like this?

I've always wondered about the virgin birth of Jesus. People back then surely knew this was impossible, so why did they claim it happened?

I know you won't get this until Christmas is long past, but I've always been puzzled by what the Bible says about the virgin birth of Jesus. People in those days surely knew that things like that don't ever happen. Why did they claim it did?

My husband is blaming me for his year-long affair. Where do I go from here? I feel like dirt.

I'm so confused I can hardly put my thoughts on paper. My husband finally admitted he'd been seeing another woman for the last year or so, but he says it's all my fault because I'm not a good wife. I can't imagine what I've done to hurt him. Where do I go from here? He says our marriage is over. Is it? I feel like worthless dirt.