
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why did the crowds turn against Jesus during the last few days of His life?

Why did the crowds turn against Jesus during the last few days of His life? They seemed to welcome Him when He came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, didn't they? What happened to change their minds?

Does God still judge nations for their sins, like He did in Old Testament times? How bad does a nation have to get?

Does God still judge nations for their sins, like He did in Old Testament times? If so, how bad does a nation have to get before God will finally give up on it and bring down judgment upon it?

A friend of mine doesn't think she ought to limit what her children read or see on television or the Internet.

A friend of mine says she doesn't think she ought to monitor or limit what her children read or see on television or the Internet, because sooner or later they'll find out what life's all about anyway. I don't agree with her, but am I just being old-fashioned?

What makes Jesus different from any other religious leader who has ever lived?

What makes Jesus different from any other religious leader who has ever lived? I've been studying various religions, and I'm wondering what's unique about Jesus.

I'm 7 years old and would like to know what God is like. Is He like my grandfather?

I'm 7 years old and would like to know what God is like. Is He like my grandfather? My grandfather died and went to heaven last year. He was very kind and I miss him.

I've never understood why people refer to the day that Jesus died as "Good Friday."

I've never understood why people refer to the day that Jesus died as "Good Friday." It seems to me the death of an innocent man is a great tragedy.

A friend of mine says that Jesus didn't really die on the cross, but He was just drugged. Is it possible he's right?

A friend of mine says that Jesus didn't really die on the cross, but He was just drugged to make it look like He was dead. Then He recovered in the coolness of the tomb and went on to live in secret with His disciples. I know this isn't the traditional view, but is it possible he's right?

I heard you say on television that if you died that night, you knew you'd go to heaven. How can you be so sure?

I heard you say on television that if you died that night, you knew you'd go to heaven. How can you be so sure? I wish I could say that, but I can't. I'm not good enough.

Our teenager tells us we're out of touch because no one his age pays attention to Jesus.

Our teenager asked us the other day who we thought is more influential—Jesus or the latest pop star. We told him Jesus, but he said we're just out of touch because almost no one his age pays attention to Jesus. Is he right?

Why should people care what someone does with their private life, as long as they treat people right and help out those in need?

Why should people care what someone does with their private life, as long as they treat people right and help out those in need? I don't think a person's private life is anyone else's business, frankly.

My mother has become very irrational, but my father won't take her to the doctor. Is there anything I can do?

My brother and I are very worried about our parents, and we don't know what to do. They're getting up in years, and in recent months Mother has become very difficult and irrational (which isn't like her at all). But Father won't take her to the doctor because he says she gets very angry at him if he even suggests it. Is there anything we can do?

I think I've committed the unforgivable sin. Is it possible for someone like me to be forgiven?

I think I've committed the unforgivable sin. I did something I knew was wrong (but I did it anyway), and I've been burdened with guilt ever since. Maybe this is a stupid question, but is it possible for someone like me to be forgiven of the unforgivable sin?