
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why do some people never seem to learn from their mistakes? I have a friend who got into a really abusive relationship with someone last year, and now she's about to fall into the same situation with someone else. I've tried to talk to her, but she just doesn't get it.

Why do some people never seem to learn from their mistakes? I have a friend who got into a really abusive relationship with someone last year, and now she's about to fall into the same situation with someone else. I've tried to talk to her, but she just doesn't get it.

I know God is displeased when we deliberately sin, but what if we do something wrong and we don't realize it's a sin? Is God still displeased? I'm sure I've done lots of things that were wrong without even realizing it.

I know God is displeased when we deliberately sin, but what if we do something wrong and we don't realize it's a sin? Is God still displeased? I'm sure I've done lots of things that were wrong without even realizing it.

It seems like every time our family gets together for a reunion we end up arguing about politics – sometimes pretty viciously. We'll be having a family picnic on the Fourth of July, and already I'm dreading it. How can we get out of this rut?

It seems like every time our family gets together for a reunion we end up arguing about politics - sometimes pretty viciously. We'll be having a family picnic on the Fourth of July, and already I'm dreading it. How can we get out of this rut?

A friend of mine thinks that we were living in heaven after God created the universe, and God sent us to earth so we'll appreciate heaven a lot more once we return there. Did she get this from the Bible?

A friend of mine thinks that we were living in heaven after God created the universe, and God sent us to earth so we'll appreciate heaven a lot more once we return there. Did she get this from the Bible?

Our 16-year-old son absolutely refuses to go to our church with us. He and some friends have started going to another church that has a youth-oriented service they like, but I hate to think our family will no longer be sitting together in church. Should we insist he come with us?

Our 16-year-old son absolutely refuses to go to our church with us. He and some friends have started going to another church that has a youth-oriented service they like, but I hate to think our family will no longer be sitting together in church. Should we insist he come with us?

I teach in a junior high school, and I have become alarmed in the last few years at the way young people today don't seem to have any real sense of right and wrong. What has happened to our society? I can't say anything about God in class, but I really fear for the future of this generation.

I teach in a junior high school, and I have become alarmed in the last few years at the way young people today don't seem to have any real sense of right and wrong. What has happened to our society? I can't say anything about God in class, but I really fear for the future of this generation.

I'm a firefighter and also a Christian. I know I'm in a dangerous profession and that every day might be my last, and that's one reason I gave my life to Christ several years ago. But most of my colleagues just laugh when I try to talk with them about Jesus and heaven. Why is this, do you suppose?

I'm a firefighter and also a Christian. I know I'm in a dangerous profession and that every day might be my last, and that's one reason I gave my life to Christ several years ago. But most of my colleagues just laugh when I try to talk with them about Jesus and heaven. Why is this, do you suppose?

Why don't Christians follow all the laws in the Old Testament, and not just parts of it like the Ten Commandments? Christians believe it's all part of God's Word, don't they?

Why don't Christians follow all the laws in the Old Testament, and not just parts of it like the Ten Commandments? Christians believe it's all part of God's Word, don't they?

My husband and I are having a disagreement about whether or not to offer to help our daughter and her family. Her husband lost his job a few months ago. Things are tough where they live and so far he hasn't found a new job. My husband says he doesn't see why we ought to get involved, although we can afford it.

My husband and I are having a disagreement about whether or not to offer to help our daughter and her family. Her husband lost his job a few months ago. Things are tough where they live and so far he hasn't found a new job. My husband says he doesn't see why we ought to get involved, although we can afford it.

I've heard people say that all I have to do to get to heaven is to believe in Jesus. Well, I think I believe in Jesus, but down inside I'm not at all sure I'll go to heaven when I die. In fact, I kind of doubt if I will. What am I missing?

I've heard people say that all I have to do to get to heaven is to believe in Jesus. Well, I think I believe in Jesus, but down inside I'm not at all sure I'll go to heaven when I die. In fact, I kind of doubt if I will. What am I missing?

I've read somewhere that money causes more fights in a marriage than anything else, and it sure is true with us. To put it simply, I'm a saver and my husband is a spender. Our credit card debt is about to swallow us but he doesn't seem to see the problem. I know this isn't a spiritual issue, but do you have any advice?

I've read somewhere that money causes more fights in a marriage than anything else, and it sure is true with us. To put it simply, I'm a saver and my husband is a spender. Our credit card debt is about to swallow us but he doesn't seem to see the problem. I know this isn't a spiritual issue, but do you have any advice?

I have a friend who's constantly trying to get me to go to his church, and he finally admitted to me that the reason is because he is convinced I won't go to heaven unless I belong to his church. Where does he get this?

I have a friend who's constantly trying to get me to go to his church, and he finally admitted to me that the reason is because he is convinced I won't go to heaven unless I belong to his church. Where does he get this?