
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

For years I've felt guilty over something I did a long time ago. But the other day, I heard someone on the radio say there's no such thing as right and wrong, so we shouldn't feel guilty when we do things others don't like. Have you ever heard of this idea?

For years I've felt guilty over something I did a long time ago. But the other day, I heard someone on the radio say there's no such thing as right and wrong, so we shouldn't feel guilty when we do things others don't like. Have you ever heard of this idea?

I know most of your readers aren't in my shoes, but I'm the pastor of a small church, and I've gotten very discouraged because my congregation expects me to do everything (even clean up after the service). Maybe you can urge people to do more than just sit in church once a week.

I know most of your readers aren't in my shoes, but I'm the pastor of a small church, and I've gotten very discouraged because my congregation expects me to do everything (even clean up after the service). Maybe you can urge people to do more than just sit in church once a week.

I'm afraid to ask God to forgive me for some of the things I've done, because I'm afraid He'll refuse. A friend of mine says I'm wrong, but I still can't get this thought out of my mind. Am I off base?

I'm afraid to ask God to forgive me for some of the things I've done, because I'm afraid He'll refuse. A friend of mine says I'm wrong, but I still can't get this thought out of my mind. Am I off base?

Does God give us a second chance at salvation after we die? I sure hope so, because I know I don't stand a chance of getting into heaven if He doesn't.

Does God give us a second chance at salvation after we die? I sure hope so, because I know I don't stand a chance of getting into heaven if He doesn't.

What will we look like when we get to heaven? Will we just be spirits or something like that, floating around from place to place but not being anything solid?

What will we look like when we get to heaven? Will we just be spirits or something like that, floating around from place to place but not being anything solid?

We're like a lot of people today, falling farther and farther behind on our mortgage payments. We're going to lose our house if something doesn't happen. Would it be wrong to pray about this, since it isn't religious?

We're like a lot of people today, falling farther and farther behind on our mortgage payments. We're going to lose our house if something doesn't happen. Would it be wrong to pray about this, since it isn't religious?

I'm not trying to be difficult, but if Jesus paid the price for all our sins, then why should we bother to keep the Ten Commandments? After all, the Bible says we can't be saved by keeping God's laws, doesn't it?

I'm not trying to be difficult, but if Jesus paid the price for all our sins, then why should we bother to keep the Ten Commandments? After all, the Bible says we can't be saved by keeping God's laws, doesn't it?

I've decided it doesn't pay to be nice to needy people and give them money, because they're just taking advantage of you (as I've learned through bitter experience). I know this isn't a very Christian attitude, but we have to take care of our own families first, don't we?

I've decided it doesn't pay to be nice to needy people and give them money, because they're just taking advantage of you (as I've learned through bitter experience). I know this isn't a very Christian attitude, but we have to take care of our own families first, don't we?

How can you convince someone to believe in Jesus when they don't think the Bible is true? My neighbor is a good person, but when I quote the Bible to her or tell her she needs to have her sins forgiven she just laughs.

How can you convince someone to believe in Jesus when they don't think the Bible is true? My neighbor is a good person, but when I quote the Bible to her or tell her she needs to have her sins forgiven she just laughs.

I was shocked to read the other day that our nation has one of the world's highest percentages of people who are in prison. Why is this, when we're also one of the most religious nations on earth? Something is wrong here.

I was shocked to read the other day that our nation has one of the world's highest percentages of people who are in prison. Why is this, when we're also one of the most religious nations on earth? Something is wrong here.

I want to make myself clear: I have no interest in God or religion, and I don't care who knows it. As far as I'm concerned, God doesn't exist, and this life is all there is. Don't even bother to write me back, because I'm not interested.

I want to make myself clear: I have no interest in God or religion, and I don't care who knows it. As far as I'm concerned, God doesn't exist, and this life is all there is. Don't even bother to write me back, because I'm not interested.

For several years my father was disabled and my mother faithfully cared for him, although it was very hard. Now I'm facing a similar situation with my husband, and I thank God every day for her example. Does God sometimes prepare us for things like this, even when we aren't aware of it?

For several years my father was disabled and my mother faithfully cared for him, although it was very hard. Now I'm facing a similar situation with my husband, and I thank God every day for her example. Does God sometimes prepare us for things like this, even when we aren't aware of it?