
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I believe the Bible has much to teach us today, but I can't accept all those supposed miracles that are included in it. Couldn't those things be cut out of the Bible? That way, we'd be left with the parts that everyone could accept and follow.

I believe the Bible has much to teach us today, but I can't accept all those supposed miracles that are included in it. Couldn't those things be cut out of the Bible? That way, we'd be left with the parts that everyone could accept and follow.

Somewhere I heard that the Bible says people love darkness instead of light. I assume this means spiritual darkness, but I don't think it's true. I've been on a search for spiritual enlightenment most of my life because I don't want to live in spiritual darkness.

Somewhere I heard that the Bible says people love darkness instead of light. I assume this means spiritual darkness, but I don't think it's true. I've been on a search for spiritual enlightenment most of my life because I don't want to live in spiritual darkness.

My grandmother gave me a Bible a few weeks ago when I graduated from high school but I can't make any sense out of it. For one thing, the language is so old-fashioned that I can't understand it. Is the Bible just for preachers?

My grandmother gave me a Bible a few weeks ago when I graduated from high school but I can't make any sense out of it. For one thing, the language is so old-fashioned that I can't understand it. Is the Bible just for preachers?

I lost my husband to cancer about a year ago, and it's been the hardest thing I've ever had to face. He really believed Jesus died for his sins, but to be honest he didn't always live the way a Christian should. Can you give me any hope that he's in heaven, and that I'll see him again? It would give me much comfort, but I want you to be honest.

I lost my husband to cancer about a year ago, and it's been the hardest thing I've ever had to face. He really believed Jesus died for his sins, but to be honest he didn't always live the way a Christian should. Can you give me any hope that he's in heaven, and that I'll see him again? It would give me much comfort, but I want you to be honest.

Our church is looking for a new pastor, and I've been put on the search committee (something I've never had to do before). Our first task is to come up with a description of the kind of person we should look for. What advice would you give to a committee like ours?

Our church is looking for a new pastor, and I've been put on the search committee (something I've never had to do before). Our first task is to come up with a description of the kind of person we should look for. What advice would you give to a committee like ours?

A year ago I accepted Jesus into my life, and for a time I really felt He was with me. But now I find myself wondering sometimes if God even exists. This scares me, because I don't want to miss going to heaven. Why has this happened? Is the devil trying to turn me away from God?

A year ago I accepted Jesus into my life, and for a time I really felt He was with me. But now I find myself wondering sometimes if God even exists. This scares me, because I don't want to miss going to heaven. Why has this happened? Is the devil trying to turn me away from God?

My friend claims to believe in God, but she also has become fascinated with some kind of witchcraft recently. She doesn't see any contradiction in this, but I'm not so sure. What would you say?

My friend claims to believe in God, but she also has become fascinated with some kind of witchcraft recently. She doesn't see any contradiction in this, but I'm not so sure. What would you say?

How can I control my thoughts about other people? I don’t understand myself. Sometimes I find myself thinking bad thoughts about others and hoping bad things will happen to them. I know God doesn’t like this.

How can I control my thoughts about other people? I don't understand myself. Sometimes I find myself thinking bad thoughts about others and hoping bad things will happen to them. I know God doesn't like this.

I was mystified in church the other day because one of the Bible readings said something about not worshiping other gods. Does this mean God is the supreme God, but other gods also exist, although they are below him?

I was mystified in church the other day because one of the Bible readings said something about not worshiping other gods. Does this mean God is the supreme God, but other gods also exist, although they are below him?

A good friend of mine has never wanted anything to do with religion or Jesus, and every time we talk about it he throws up all sorts of questions I can't answer. Is it hopeless to try to witness to someone like this? I wish I knew how to get through to him.

A good friend of mine has never wanted anything to do with religion or Jesus, and every time we talk about it he throws up all sorts of questions I can't answer. Is it hopeless to try to witness to someone like this? I wish I knew how to get through to him.

I'll be heading into my last year of college at the end of the summer, and I'm already terrified because I don't know what I'll be doing after I get out. I know you'll tell me to pray about this, and I do, but I'm still afraid I'll make a wrong decision. Am I doing something wrong?

I'll be heading into my last year of college at the end of the summer, and I'm already terrified because I don't know what I'll be doing after I get out. I know you'll tell me to pray about this, and I do, but I'm still afraid I'll make a wrong decision. Am I doing something wrong?

I've heard preachers say that when a Christian sins our fellowship with God is broken. Is this true? And does this mean God cuts us off and won't have anything more to do with us until we repent and get things right?

I've heard preachers say that when a Christian sins our fellowship with God is broken. Is this true? And does this mean God cuts us off and won't have anything more to do with us until we repent and get things right?