
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

If something bad happened to one of our parents, does this mean God is going to make it happen to us also? My mom died of breast cancer when she was fairly young, and now I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me.

If something bad happened to one of our parents, does this mean God is going to make it happen to us also? My mom died of breast cancer when she was fairly young, and now I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me.

I'm afraid my mother and I always had a rocky relationship, but after she died I realized there were a lot of things I wish I'd said — like telling her I loved her, or asking her to forgive me for hurts I caused her. I feel very bad about this, but maybe someone will learn from my mistake.

I'm afraid my mother and I always had a rocky relationship, but after she died I realized there were a lot of things I wish I'd said -- like telling her I loved her, or asking her to forgive me for hurts I caused her. I feel very bad about this, but maybe someone will learn from my mistake.

I'm widowed and in my late 70s now, and a few months ago I moved to a new city to be near my daughter and her family. I go to her church and love it very much, except they won't let me take the Lord's Supper because they restrict it to their members. Why do they do this?

I'm widowed and in my late 70s now, and a few months ago I moved to a new city to be near my daughter and her family. I go to her church and love it very much, except they won't let me take the Lord's Supper because they restrict it to their members. Why do they do this?

I led a pretty wild life before I asked Christ to come into my life and clean it up (which He did, thankfully). But is God going to condemn me on the day of judgment for all the bad things I used to do?

I led a pretty wild life before I asked Christ to come into my life and clean it up (which He did, thankfully). But is God going to condemn me on the day of judgment for all the bad things I used to do?

Have you ever had anyone ask you how to break the habit of Internet pornography? I just can't seem to overcome it, and I'm scared to death my wife will find out. I don't know how I got into this so deeply.

Have you ever had anyone ask you how to break the habit of Internet pornography? I just can't seem to overcome it, and I'm scared to death my wife will find out. I don't know how I got into this so deeply.

How can some people be good Christians for a while, but then they turn their backs on it and wander into all sorts of bad things? This has happened to a cousin of mine, and I wish I knew what to do about it because he's really headed in the wrong direction.

How can some people be good Christians for a while, but then they turn their backs on it and wander into all sorts of bad things? This has happened to a cousin of mine, and I wish I knew what to do about it because he's really headed in the wrong direction.

I prayed and prayed that God would take away my husband's cancer, and I was convinced He would. But last month he finally died after much suffering, and I have to admit it's shaken my faith. Why didn't God answer me?

I prayed and prayed that God would take away my husband's cancer, and I was convinced He would. But last month he finally died after much suffering, and I have to admit it's shaken my faith. Why didn't God answer me?

I know anger is a sin, but I can't seem to help it. I'm not like this most of the time, but when things don't go right I can't help but be angry about it. Do I just learn to live with this, or what?

I know anger is a sin, but I can't seem to help it. I'm not like this most of the time, but when things don't go right I can't help but be angry about it. Do I just learn to live with this, or what?

I'm really getting scared (although I try to not show it), because I graduate from high school in a few months and I don't have any idea what I'm going to do next. My parents are pushing college on me but I can't get excited about it. What should I do?

I'm really getting scared (although I try to not show it), because I graduate from high school in a few months and I don't have any idea what I'm going to do next. My parents are pushing college on me but I can't get excited about it. What should I do?

For years we've had a little sign on our kitchen wall that says, "Prayer Changes Things." But we've been going through some hard times lately, and frankly I'm beginning to wonder if prayer does make any difference. Does it?

For years we've had a little sign on our kitchen wall that says, "Prayer Changes Things." But we've been going through some hard times lately, and frankly I'm beginning to wonder if prayer does make any difference. Does it?

This couple keeps coming to our house and inviting us to come to their assembly hall to study the Bible. I'd like to know something about the Bible, but a friend of mine says this group is a cult. What exactly is a cult? They seem like nice people.

This couple keeps coming to our house and inviting us to come to their assembly hall to study the Bible. I'd like to know something about the Bible, but a friend of mine says this group is a cult. What exactly is a cult? They seem like nice people.

My parents always told me when I was growing up not to believe everything I read, and I don't. So why should I believe what some preacher says, or even what the Bible says? Maybe it's all just a myth.

My parents always told me when I was growing up not to believe everything I read, and I don't. So why should I believe what some preacher says, or even what the Bible says? Maybe it's all just a myth.