
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I try to be a good Christian, and I suppose people who don't know me very well would say I am. But when I get around some of my old friends I forget all about Jesus and my behavior changes. What's wrong with me? God must be very disappointed in me.

I try to be a good Christian, and I suppose people who don't know me very well would say I am. But when I get around some of my old friends I forget all about Jesus and my behavior changes. What's wrong with me? God must be very disappointed in me.

About this time of year, I just stop going to church for a few weeks because all they talk about is the church budget and how we need to give more. It'll be even worse this year since people aren't giving as much because of the recession. I don't think preachers ought to talk about money, do you?

About this time of year, I just stop going to church for a few weeks because all they talk about is the church budget and how we need to give more. It'll be even worse this year since people aren't giving as much because of the recession. I don't think preachers ought to talk about money, do you?

Recently, I heard a preacher say that if Jesus were alive today, He'd be using television and the Internet to reach people with His message. I suppose that's true, but why do you suppose he said, "if Jesus were alive"? Isn't Jesus alive today anyway, although He's now in heaven?

Recently, I heard a preacher say that if Jesus were alive today, He'd be using television and the Internet to reach people with His message. I suppose that's true, but why do you suppose he said, "if Jesus were alive"? Isn't Jesus alive today anyway, although He's now in heaven?

I believe in God, and I guess I believe in Jesus. But I have a friend who says she talks with Jesus every day, and she says she knows she'll go to heaven when she dies. I wish I had her kind of faith, but how can I get it?

I believe in God, and I guess I believe in Jesus. But I have a friend who says she talks with Jesus every day, and she says she knows she'll go to heaven when she dies. I wish I had her kind of faith, but how can I get it?

How do you know the devil is real? I know bad things happen to us and all that, but that doesn't prove the existence of the devil, does it?

How do you know the devil is real? I know bad things happen to us and all that, but that doesn't prove the existence of the devil, does it?

I went to a friend's funeral the other day, and the pastor said that at the end of time God will put our bodies back together (if I understood him correctly). How is that possible? I've always assumed our souls live on after we die, but I've never heard anyone say anything beyond that.

I went to a friend's funeral the other day, and the pastor said that at the end of time God will put our bodies back together (if I understood him correctly). How is that possible? I've always assumed our souls live on after we die, but I've never heard anyone say anything beyond that.

Our mother (in her 80s) fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago, and her doctor has told us she can't live alone any longer. She's in a rehab center now, but when my brother talked to her about moving out of her house and into a nursing home she got very angry. How can we convince her? We only want what's best for her.

Our mother (in her 80s) fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago, and her doctor has told us she can't live alone any longer. She's in a rehab center now, but when my brother talked to her about moving out of her house and into a nursing home she got very angry. How can we convince her? We only want what's best for her.

I'm supposed to start teaching a class for high school students in our church in a few weeks, and I'm scared to death. Do you have any suggestions on how to get through to them and hold their attention?

I'm supposed to start teaching a class for high school students in our church in a few weeks, and I'm scared to death. Do you have any suggestions on how to get through to them and hold their attention?

A friend of mine is into all kinds of strange ideas, and he says the world is going to end in a few years because that's when a calendar he's heard about from the ancient world stops working. Could he be right?

A friend of mine is into all kinds of strange ideas, and he says the world is going to end in a few years because that's when a calendar he's heard about from the ancient world stops working. Could he be right?

I wish someone had warned me about how dangerous our words can be. My mother and I had harsh words over something she did about six months ago, and we haven't spoken since. She's stubborn and I know she'll never apologize, but I still wish I'd just held my tongue.

I wish someone had warned me about how dangerous our words can be. My mother and I had harsh words over something she did about six months ago, and we haven't spoken since. She's stubborn and I know she'll never apologize, but I still wish I'd just held my tongue.

I truly believe God has forgiven me for the way I messed up my life, but frankly I'm beginning to wonder what difference it makes. Things aren't any better now than they were before I turned to God. I thought God would take away my problems but He hasn't. Am I doing something wrong?

I truly believe God has forgiven me for the way I messed up my life, but frankly I'm beginning to wonder what difference it makes. Things aren't any better now than they were before I turned to God. I thought God would take away my problems but He hasn't. Am I doing something wrong?

We went through some rough times in our marriage, and finally I just walked away from it. I thought divorce would be the easy way out, but believe me, it wasn't. It's really been hard – emotionally, financially, you name it. I guess God knew what He was doing when He told people to stay married. I wish I had, but now it's too late.

We went through some rough times in our marriage, and finally I just walked away from it. I thought divorce would be the easy way out, but believe me, it wasn't. It's really been hard - emotionally, financially, you name it. I guess God knew what He was doing when He told people to stay married. I wish I had, but now it's too late.