
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Did the miracles in the Bible really happen? Recently a friend (who isn't religious) gave me a book that claims they didn't happen, and they can all be explained as natural events that people just thought were miracles. Which should I believe, this book or the Bible?

Did the miracles in the Bible really happen? Recently a friend (who isn't religious) gave me a book that claims they didn't happen, and they can all be explained as natural events that people just thought were miracles. Which should I believe, this book or the Bible?

Our church is starting a group that will visit nursing homes and places like that on a regular basis, and they want me to be part of it. But privately I wonder if it's really worth all the time and energy. After all, most of these people have their own families, don't they?

Our church is starting a group that will visit nursing homes and places like that on a regular basis, and they want me to be part of it. But privately I wonder if it's really worth all the time and energy. After all, most of these people have their own families, don't they?

My aunt has always been very active in her church but she constantly criticizes people behind their back, and almost never has anything good to say about anyone. Aren't Christians supposed to be kind and loving? How can she justify this?

My aunt has always been very active in her church but she constantly criticizes people behind their back, and almost never has anything good to say about anyone. Aren't Christians supposed to be kind and loving? How can she justify this?

How can we be happy in heaven if it's going to have people in it that we don't necessarily like? There are several people in our church, for example, who are really hard to get along with, and frankly I can't imagine being around them for eternity.

How can we be happy in heaven if it's going to have people in it that we don't necessarily like? There are several people in our church, for example, who are really hard to get along with, and frankly I can't imagine being around them for eternity.

Is it wrong to get angry at God? I've been through some very hard times recently and I feel like God has let me down. I'd like to get past this, I guess, but right now I can't help feeling angry at God.

Is it wrong to get angry at God? I've been through some very hard times recently and I feel like God has let me down. I'd like to get past this, I guess, but right now I can't help feeling angry at God.

Our son came home at Christmas from his first semester at college, and when we got ready to go to church he announced that he wasn't going because he no longer believed in God. Where did we go wrong? We feel like such failures as parents.

Our son came home at Christmas from his first semester at college, and when we got ready to go to church he announced that he wasn't going because he no longer believed in God. Where did we go wrong? We feel like such failures as parents.

I'm on a committee to nominate new officers for our church, and I'm concerned because we're considering a couple of people whose only qualification seems to be that they have a lot of money to give. I know we need the money, but shouldn't we be looking for more than this?

I'm on a committee to nominate new officers for our church, and I'm concerned because we're considering a couple of people whose only qualification seems to be that they have a lot of money to give. I know we need the money, but shouldn't we be looking for more than this?

Almost every day it seems like we read about another huge financial or political scandal – far worse than anything I can ever remember. What's happening to our society? Are these crises signs that we're in the last days before Christ returns? It gets very discouraging.

Almost every day it seems like we read about another huge financial or political scandal - far worse than anything I can ever remember. What's happening to our society? Are these crises signs that we're in the last days before Christ returns? It gets very discouraging.

I have a good friend who, I think, truly believes in Jesus, as do I. But she says she's afraid I won't be in heaven with her, because she believes her church is the only true church, and you have to belong to it in order to be saved. What can I say to her?

I have a good friend who, I think, truly believes in Jesus, as do I. But she says she's afraid I won't be in heaven with her, because she believes her church is the only true church, and you have to belong to it in order to be saved. What can I say to her?

This Christmas will be hard for me. Most of my relatives are gone now (including my husband), and the few I do have are either too old or live too far away. I am completely alone. Please tell people to reach out to lonely people during holidays, because it's hard for them.

This Christmas will be hard for me. Most of my relatives are gone now (including my husband), and the few I do have are either too old or live too far away. I am completely alone. Please tell people to reach out to lonely people during holidays, because it's hard for them.

Recently, I thought I was telling my neighbor the truth about something, but later I found out it wasn't true after all. Does this make me a liar in God's eyes? I've always tried to be as truthful as possible.

Recently, I thought I was telling my neighbor the truth about something, but later I found out it wasn't true after all. Does this make me a liar in God's eyes? I've always tried to be as truthful as possible.

Several people keep forwarding long e-mails to me (a dozen or more a day), mostly about things I don't care anything about, or even find offensive. I end up wasting hours on them. Should I block them, or demand people stop sending them? I don't want to be rude, however.

Several people keep forwarding long e-mails to me (a dozen or more a day), mostly about things I don't care anything about, or even find offensive. I end up wasting hours on them. Should I block them, or demand people stop sending them? I don't want to be rude, however.