
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've heard that old spiritual for years about Ezekiel and the valley full of dry bones that came back to life, but the other day I finally found the story in the Bible. I gather God gave Ezekiel a vision of this, but I'm confused about what it means. Maybe you can help me.

I've heard that old spiritual for years about Ezekiel and the valley full of dry bones that came back to life, but the other day I finally found the story in the Bible. I gather God gave Ezekiel a vision of this, but I'm confused about what it means. Maybe you can help me.

I'm confused because of the different things I've heard people say about the Holy Spirit. I know the Holy Spirit came to live within us but when does that happen? How can I get the Holy Spirit?

I'm confused because of the different things I've heard people say about the Holy Spirit. I know the Holy Spirit came to live within us but when does that happen? How can I get the Holy Spirit?

My niece and her live-in boyfriend are having a baby in a few months, and she's hoping I'll put on a baby shower for her. Should I do it? She knows I'm a Christian and don't approve of them being unmarried, but I don't want her to think I'm self-righteous or unconcerned about her or the baby.

My niece and her live-in boyfriend are having a baby in a few months, and she's hoping I'll put on a baby shower for her. Should I do it? She knows I'm a Christian and don't approve of them being unmarried, but I don't want her to think I'm self-righteous or unconcerned about her or the baby.

I haven't been a Christian very long, and I have some bad habits left over from my old days that I just can't seem to break. Is God going to give up on me and take away my salvation? I hope not, but I'm not making much progress.

I haven't been a Christian very long, and I have some bad habits left over from my old days that I just can't seem to break. Is God going to give up on me and take away my salvation? I hope not, but I'm not making much progress.

I'm about to give up on God. I've prayed and prayed for Him to take away my problems, but nothing has changed. Why doesn't God do something? I thought He was supposed to care about us.

I'm about to give up on God. I've prayed and prayed for Him to take away my problems, but nothing has changed. Why doesn't God do something? I thought He was supposed to care about us.

Do you think the human race will ever destroy itself? I get very worried when I read about the way we're poisoning the environment and things like that, and I wonder if my grandchildren will even have a world left to live in. Does the Bible say anything about this?

Do you think the human race will ever destroy itself? I get very worried when I read about the way we're poisoning the environment and things like that, and I wonder if my grandchildren will even have a world left to live in. Does the Bible say anything about this?

Why are people so thoughtless? I lost my husband a few months ago, and at first everyone was very concerned and sympathetic. But now no one calls or even asks how I'm doing. I don't understand this.

Why are people so thoughtless? I lost my husband a few months ago, and at first everyone was very concerned and sympathetic. But now no one calls or even asks how I'm doing. I don't understand this.

I lost my job a few weeks ago, and I can't decide what to do next. My choices are to take a job that's been offered to me (at less pay), or else dip into my savings and take some job training at our local community college. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

I lost my job a few weeks ago, and I can't decide what to do next. My choices are to take a job that's been offered to me (at less pay), or else dip into my savings and take some job training at our local community college. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Watching my wife lose her memory as she gets older is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. Sometimes I'm not even sure she knows who I am. How does God want me to deal with this? I pray and pray for her, but God doesn't seem to be answering my prayers.

Watching my wife lose her memory as she gets older is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. Sometimes I'm not even sure she knows who I am. How does God want me to deal with this? I pray and pray for her, but God doesn't seem to be answering my prayers.

Why do people get involved in cults? My cousin has gotten involved in one, and no matter what we say to him, he refuses to listen. He says we are the ones who are in the dark, and he alone in our family has found the truth.

Why do people get involved in cults? My cousin has gotten involved in one, and no matter what we say to him, he refuses to listen. He says we are the ones who are in the dark, and he alone in our family has found the truth.

My friend has never been very religious, but when he almost died in the hospital a few months ago he claims he saw Jesus standing in a tunnel of light. He recovered, but he still doesn't know what to make of it. Do you think he really saw Jesus?

My friend has never been very religious, but when he almost died in the hospital a few months ago he claims he saw Jesus standing in a tunnel of light. He recovered, but he still doesn't know what to make of it. Do you think he really saw Jesus?

What does the Bible mean when it says somewhere that we shouldn't take God's name in vain? I suppose this means we shouldn't use what used to be called bad language, but that's gotten so common today that I wonder where we ought to draw the line.

What does the Bible mean when it says somewhere that we shouldn't take God's name in vain? I suppose this means we shouldn't use what used to be called bad language, but that's gotten so common today that I wonder where we ought to draw the line.