
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Did you see the results of the recent poll that claimed the number of Christians in our country is going down, and the number of people who have no religion is going up? Do you think it was accurate?

Did you see the results of the recent poll that claimed the number of Christians in our country is going down, and the number of people who have no religion is going up? Do you think it was accurate?

I come from a nation where we worship many gods and goddesses. I would like to worship Jesus also, because I believe He too was a god, but a Christian friend told me I can't do this. Maybe you can tell me why.

I come from a nation where we worship many gods and goddesses. I would like to worship Jesus also, because I believe He too was a god, but a Christian friend told me I can't do this. Maybe you can tell me why.

Did Jesus really rise from the dead on that first Easter? How was it possible? Or is the Easter story only a nice myth – just a symbol of the hope we all have for life after death, as one friend of mine says?

Did Jesus really rise from the dead on that first Easter? How was it possible? Or is the Easter story only a nice myth - just a symbol of the hope we all have for life after death, as one friend of mine says?

Why did God allow Jesus to be put to death? Couldn't God have found another way to take away our sins and give us salvation?

Why did God allow Jesus to be put to death? Couldn't God have found another way to take away our sins and give us salvation?

Why doesn't God stop all the evil in the world? I know we're supposed to believe that God is kind and loving, but I just lost my 6-year-old nephew to leukemia, and it's hard to keep believing in a loving God.

Why doesn't God stop all the evil in the world? I know we're supposed to believe that God is kind and loving, but I just lost my 6-year-old nephew to leukemia, and it's hard to keep believing in a loving God.

My sister struggled with severe depression most of her life and had to be hospitalized several times. Last year, she finally got so depressed that she took her own life. In spite of everything, she had a strong faith, but is suicide the unforgivable sin, as some people say? It's all been very painful to me.

My sister struggled with severe depression most of her life and had to be hospitalized several times. Last year, she finally got so depressed that she took her own life. In spite of everything, she had a strong faith, but is suicide the unforgivable sin, as some people say? It's all been very painful to me.

The other day, a friend asked me how many of my New Year's resolutions I'd managed to keep, and I had to admit that I'd forgotten all about them. He admitted that this had been his experience, as well. Why do we have so much trouble changing our behavior?

The other day, a friend asked me how many of my New Year's resolutions I'd managed to keep, and I had to admit that I'd forgotten all about them. He admitted that this had been his experience, as well. Why do we have so much trouble changing our behavior?

I'm a cancer survivor (for which I thank God), but to be honest I live in constant fear that the disease will return. My daughter tells me I need to quit worrying so much about this, but I just can't help it. Maybe you have some suggestions.

I'm a cancer survivor (for which I thank God), but to be honest I live in constant fear that the disease will return. My daughter tells me I need to quit worrying so much about this, but I just can't help it. Maybe you have some suggestions.

Did Jesus realize that He was going to be arrested and put to death when He went to Jerusalem for the last time? It seems to me that He easily could have called on the crowds who supported Him to demand His release. Then He could have avoided what happened afterward. Why didn't He?

Did Jesus realize that He was going to be arrested and put to death when He went to Jerusalem for the last time? It seems to me that He easily could have called on the crowds who supported Him to demand His release. Then He could have avoided what happened afterward. Why didn't He?

My friend is a very dedicated member of his religious group, and he talks to me all the time about the way so-called Christians have twisted the Bible over the centuries and made it say things it doesn't really say. How can I know if he's telling the truth? I've never thought about God before.

My friend is a very dedicated member of his religious group, and he talks to me all the time about the way so-called Christians have twisted the Bible over the centuries and made it say things it doesn't really say. How can I know if he's telling the truth? I've never thought about God before.

How can I be a better Christian? I get along pretty well most of the time, but then I'll get upset at something and lose my temper, or fall down in some other way, and then I realize I'm not a very good Christian after all.

How can I be a better Christian? I get along pretty well most of the time, but then I'll get upset at something and lose my temper, or fall down in some other way, and then I realize I'm not a very good Christian after all.

If I could give just one piece of advice to someone, it would be to be careful who you hang around with. I wasn't, and now I'm in prison because I got talked into doing some things that I knew were wrong. Maybe you can help someone by passing this along.

If I could give just one piece of advice to someone, it would be to be careful who you hang around with. I wasn't, and now I'm in prison because I got talked into doing some things that I knew were wrong. Maybe you can help someone by passing this along.