
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Whenever our church celebrates communion (or the Lord's Supper, as some call it), our pastor always tells us to examine ourselves to be sure we won't be sinning when we participate. Does this mean you have to be perfect before you take communion? I know I'm not perfect.

Whenever our church celebrates communion (or the Lord's Supper, as some call it), our pastor always tells us to examine ourselves to be sure we won't be sinning when we participate. Does this mean you have to be perfect before you take communion? I know I'm not perfect.

My company says I have to retire in a few months and I'm dreading it. I can't imagine not working, and anyway, I've seen too many people just wither away after they retired. I don't want that to happen to me. What advice would you give me?

My company says I have to retire in a few months and I'm dreading it. I can't imagine not working, and anyway, I've seen too many people just wither away after they retired. I don't want that to happen to me. What advice would you give me?

I'm in my 50s, and recently I found out my parents weren't married when I was born (they put me up for adoption anyway, and I never knew them). This has been hard for me, and now I'm even wondering if God will reject me for being illegitimate. Is this possible?

I'm in my 50s, and recently I found out my parents weren't married when I was born (they put me up for adoption anyway, and I never knew them). This has been hard for me, and now I'm even wondering if God will reject me for being illegitimate. Is this possible?

Do you think computers might take over the world some day? I like to read science fiction stories where they do this, and computers are so powerful today that I wonder if it might actually happen.

Do you think computers might take over the world some day? I like to read science fiction stories where they do this, and computers are so powerful today that I wonder if it might actually happen.

Will God give us a second chance after we die to believe in Jesus and go to heaven? I sure hope so, because I'm having too good a time now to bother with God, but I admit I don't want to go to hell.

Will God give us a second chance after we die to believe in Jesus and go to heaven? I sure hope so, because I'm having too good a time now to bother with God, but I admit I don't want to go to hell.

If Jesus was without sin, then why was He baptized by John the Baptist? I thought baptism was a sign of repentance and our faith, but Jesus didn't need to repent, did He?

If Jesus was without sin, then why was He baptized by John the Baptist? I thought baptism was a sign of repentance and our faith, but Jesus didn't need to repent, did He?

I have a friend who claims she knows what she did in a previous life hundreds of years ago, and she does this with the help of a spiritual guide who lived then but comes to her in dreams now. This kind of talk makes me uncomfortable, but could she be right?

I have a friend who claims she knows what she did in a previous life hundreds of years ago, and she does this with the help of a spiritual guide who lived then but comes to her in dreams now. This kind of talk makes me uncomfortable, but could she be right?

Do people in heaven know what happens on earth? If so, wouldn't it make them sad to see all our suffering and evil? Isn't heaven supposed to be a happy place? This puzzles me.

Do people in heaven know what happens on earth? If so, wouldn't it make them sad to see all our suffering and evil? Isn't heaven supposed to be a happy place? This puzzles me.

How should I react to a fellow worker who is always arguing with me about God and constantly makes fun of my faith in Jesus? It doesn't seem to do much good to argue back, but what can I do?

How should I react to a fellow worker who is always arguing with me about God and constantly makes fun of my faith in Jesus? It doesn't seem to do much good to argue back, but what can I do?

About this time of year, it seems like my mailbox is filled with appeals for money from charities and other organizations. How can I know which ones are legitimate and really need my money? I don't have a lot to give but I don't want to see it go to waste.

About this time of year, it seems like my mailbox is filled with appeals for money from charities and other organizations. How can I know which ones are legitimate and really need my money? I don't have a lot to give but I don't want to see it go to waste.

Have you heard about the ancient calendar that predicts the world is going to come to an end in 2012? That's kind of scary. Could it be right? I know a lot of people who are concerned about this and don't know what to think.

Have you heard about the ancient calendar that predicts the world is going to come to an end in 2012? That's kind of scary. Could it be right? I know a lot of people who are concerned about this and don't know what to think.

Does our annual Thanksgiving holiday come from the Bible? If so, did the people in Bible times celebrate it when we do today? I've always been curious about this.

Does our annual Thanksgiving holiday come from the Bible? If so, did the people in Bible times celebrate it when we do today? I've always been curious about this.