
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I was pretty wild when I was younger, but that was a long time ago and I've tried to live right since then. But how do I know if I'm good enough to get into heaven? I had a cancer scare a year ago, and for the first time it's made me think about God.

I was pretty wild when I was younger, but that was a long time ago and I've tried to live right since then. But how do I know if I'm good enough to get into heaven? I had a cancer scare a year ago, and for the first time it's made me think about God.

I've always tried to run my business honestly, but I have to admit I'm a very competitive person and I've always been fairly aggressive in my business dealings. Is this wrong in God's eyes? Can you follow Jesus and still get ahead in the business world?

I've always tried to run my business honestly, but I have to admit I'm a very competitive person and I've always been fairly aggressive in my business dealings. Is this wrong in God's eyes? Can you follow Jesus and still get ahead in the business world?

I was very active in a cult for several years, but eventually I became very disturbed over their demands, and last year I got out. But down inside, I've always had a hunger for God, and it's still there. Where do I turn?

I was very active in a cult for several years, but eventually I became very disturbed over their demands, and last year I got out. But down inside, I've always had a hunger for God, and it's still there. Where do I turn?

A friend keeps telling me that God loves me, but how do I know it's true? My parents divorced when I was 9 and I was raised (reluctantly) by my grandparents, so all my life I've felt that no one loves me. Why is God any different?

A friend keeps telling me that God loves me, but how do I know it's true? My parents divorced when I was 9 and I was raised (reluctantly) by my grandparents, so all my life I've felt that no one loves me. Why is God any different?

Does God ever give up on a nation, because it keeps shutting Him out of its life? I can't help but wonder if that's happening to us, with all our evil ways.

Does God ever give up on a nation, because it keeps shutting Him out of its life? I can't help but wonder if that's happening to us, with all our evil ways.

The hard economic times haven't hit me like they have most people, but I'm getting tired of churches and organizations begging me for money because they say their income is way down. After all, I've got to think of my own future in case things get worse. Am I just being selfish?

The hard economic times haven't hit me like they have most people, but I'm getting tired of churches and organizations begging me for money because they say their income is way down. After all, I've got to think of my own future in case things get worse. Am I just being selfish?

I suppose it's wrong to be angry at God but I can't help it. I had a stroke a few months back, and now the doctor says I'll never walk as well as I once did. I've always been very active, and I don't understand why God did this to me. Do you have any answer?

I suppose it's wrong to be angry at God but I can't help it. I had a stroke a few months back, and now the doctor says I'll never walk as well as I once did. I've always been very active, and I don't understand why God did this to me. Do you have any answer?

I believe in God, but where does Jesus fit into the picture? Why do I have to believe in Him, in addition to believing in God?

I believe in God, but where does Jesus fit into the picture? Why do I have to believe in Him, in addition to believing in God?

My brother and sisters don't have much to do with me because they're all real religious and I'm not.

My brother and sisters don't have much to do with me because they're all real religious and I'm not. You'll probably tell me I need God, and maybe I do, but aren't Christians supposed to be kind and loving? They sure aren't that way with me, so why should I be like them?

How do you explain God to a 6-year-old? Our son keeps asking questions about God, but most of them are questions I'm not sure anyone could answer. But I don't want to leave it at that, of course.

How do you explain God to a 6-year-old? Our son keeps asking questions about God, but most of them are questions I'm not sure anyone could answer. But I don't want to leave it at that, of course.

Does God ever give up on some people? I have a cousin who just laughs whenever anyone starts talking about God, and he says he'll just take his chances when it comes time to die. Several of us in our family pray for him regularly but he looks like a hopeless case to me.

Does God ever give up on some people? I have a cousin who just laughs whenever anyone starts talking about God, and he says he'll just take his chances when it comes time to die. Several of us in our family pray for him regularly but he looks like a hopeless case to me.

What did Jesus mean when He said somewhere that He came to bring a sword to the earth? This seems to be the opposite of what He said elsewhere, about bringing us peace if we'll follow Him.

What did Jesus mean when He said somewhere that He came to bring a sword to the earth? This seems to be the opposite of what He said elsewhere, about bringing us peace if we'll follow Him.