
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

By the time you get this, I'll be in college, and the truth is I'm kind of scared. It'll be my first time away from home (I worked after high school), and I'm not even sure I've made the right decision. Do you have any advice for me?

By the time you get this, I'll be in college, and the truth is I'm kind of scared. It'll be my first time away from home (I worked after high school), and I'm not even sure I've made the right decision. Do you have any advice for me?

What does the devil look like? I've seen pictures people have drawn, but are they accurate? If we knew what he looked like maybe we'd be able to avoid him.

What does the devil look like? I've seen pictures people have drawn, but are they accurate? If we knew what he looked like maybe we'd be able to avoid him.

How much sin can you get away with and still be a Christian? My friend claims to be a Christian, and I guess he is, but his lifestyle doesn't seem to be any different from his unreligious friends.

How much sin can you get away with and still be a Christian? My friend claims to be a Christian, and I guess he is, but his lifestyle doesn't seem to be any different from his unreligious friends.

I get very discouraged because my faith seems so shaky. Sometimes I have a very strong faith, but then doubts creep in and I begin to wonder if it's all just an illusion. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

I get very discouraged because my faith seems so shaky. Sometimes I have a very strong faith, but then doubts creep in and I begin to wonder if it's all just an illusion. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

Why didn't Jesus stay on earth longer? It seems to me that He could have done a lot more good if He'd lived a long time. After all, He could have avoided getting arrested and put to death, couldn't He?

Why didn't Jesus stay on earth longer? It seems to me that He could have done a lot more good if He'd lived a long time. After all, He could have avoided getting arrested and put to death, couldn't He?

Do we know what Jesus looked like when He was a baby, or what Mary and Joseph looked like when He was born? I've been looking at the Christmas cards we've been getting this year, and most of them are similar in the way they picture them (at least the religious cards).

Do we know what Jesus looked like when He was a baby, or what Mary and Joseph looked like when He was born? I've been looking at the Christmas cards we've been getting this year, and most of them are similar in the way they picture them (at least the religious cards).

I used to make a list of New Year's resolutions every year, but I'm not going to bother this year. I've never been able to keep them, so I've always ended up frustrated and feeling guilty. Why bother when they don't do any good?

I used to make a list of New Year's resolutions every year, but I'm not going to bother this year. I've never been able to keep them, so I've always ended up frustrated and feeling guilty. Why bother when they don't do any good?

I wish you'd say something about gossiping, because I don't think people realize just how destructive it can be. Am I right, or am I just too sensitive to what people say about me?

I wish you'd say something about gossiping, because I don't think people realize just how destructive it can be. Am I right, or am I just too sensitive to what people say about me?

We moved to a new town a few months ago, and at first we thought we'd found the right church for us. But the longer we're there, the more we realize that it's an older church and not very welcoming to new people. We like the pastor very much, but should we go somewhere else?

We moved to a new town a few months ago, and at first we thought we'd found the right church for us. But the longer we're there, the more we realize that it's an older church and not very welcoming to new people. We like the pastor very much, but should we go somewhere else?

I suppose you've heard this before, but I just can't get into the Bible. It's so massive, and anyway, I never seem to have time. I know I ought to make the Bible part of my life, but I get discouraged before I even start. Can you help me?

I suppose you've heard this before, but I just can't get into the Bible. It's so massive, and anyway, I never seem to have time. I know I ought to make the Bible part of my life, but I get discouraged before I even start. Can you help me?

What's the difference between just enjoying our food and being a glutton? I heard somewhere that the Bible condemns gluttony, but does that mean it's wrong to enjoy good food (like I always do around the holiday season)? Where do you draw the line?

What's the difference between just enjoying our food and being a glutton? I heard somewhere that the Bible condemns gluttony, but does that mean it's wrong to enjoy good food (like I always do around the holiday season)? Where do you draw the line?

Why did King Herod try to kill Jesus shortly after His birth? After all, what difference could a tiny baby have made?

Why did King Herod try to kill Jesus shortly after His birth? After all, what difference could a tiny baby have made to someone as powerful as he was?