
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

God is still working miracles

Does God still do miracles, like He did in biblical times? If He does, why doesn't He do more of them? Maybe more people would believe in Him if He did.

Christ offers us peace, even in the midst of life's storms

I've had a very difficult life the last year or so, and if God knew how I really feel about Him, He'd probably be very angry at me. But I can't help how upset I feel at Him, because surely God could have kept these bad things from happening to me, couldn't He?

The Bible is not just the work of its human writers, but also God’s word

I find the Bible very uplifting whenever I read it, but no more inspiring than some of the other books I read. Why do people like you say the Bible is unlike any other book but is in a category all its own?.

Assuring elderly mother of your love, and God's love, is the most important thing you can do for her

How can my sister and I persuade our mother to move into an assisted living facility or nursing home? We don't think she can take care of herself much longer, but she's stubborn and says she intends to stay in her home until she dies.

Rather than pie in the sky, heaven gives us hope

I think people who talk about heaven all the time are just trying to escape from this life and its problems. I think religion ought to focus on life right now, not on some vague pie-in-the-sky idea about heaven.

Like Mary, all good mothers help their children grow in wisdom and love

Does the Bible say anything about how to be a good mother? We have three children, and I really want to be a good mother to them, but my home life was so unstable when I was growing up that I never learned much about being a good parent.

Heaven's glory cannot be known fully until we arrive

What is heaven like? Is it an actual place, or is it just a state of mind? How do we know what it's like anyway?

Limiting what your children watch on TV can shield them from moral harm

Our children get upset at us because we won't let them watch some of the TV programs their friends do. Are we just being narrow-minded? We're appalled at some of the things their friends watch, and yet their parents don't seem to care.

Practical changes can end poisonous arguments over money

The only thing my wife and I ever argue about is money. We wish we could stop, and we try, but then something comes up and we're back at it. We even pray about it, but that doesn't seem to help. What are we doing wrong?

Forgiving and forgetting past hurts is the only way to find peace

How do you convince someone that they need to forget the bad things that happened in the past and get on with their life? My aunt constantly dwells on how her ex-husband emotionally abused her, and she just won't let it go.

When troubles come, a strong faith carries you through to better times

My neighbor has had some serious personal problems recently, and she blames them all on God. She says she doesn't want anything more to do with Him anymore and gets very upset if I even mention praying about her problems. How can I help her?

Taking care of our bodies honors God, who created us

My husband simply won't go to the doctor, although I can tell he's beginning to have some problems that need attention. Why is he so stubborn? Why won't he face the fact that he's getting older and needs help?