
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Pray for those who say they want nothing to do with God

Pray for those who say they want nothing to do with God

Aunt who just lost her husband needs compassion, not judgment

Everyone in our family knows my aunt and uncle had a very stormy relationship. But when my uncle suddenly died a few weeks ago, my aunt spent lavishly on the funeral -- expensive casket, beautiful flowers, etc. Why did she do this? Was she trying to make us think she actually loved him?

Treating your depression is not a sin

Is it a sin for me to take medicine for depression? I worry about this, because someone in my church said that if we're right with God we won't be depressed. The medicine really helps me, but I need to know if I'm doing something wrong.

Sexual immorality always comes with a price

I'm afraid I've caught an STD (sexually transmitted disease) and I'm scared. What should I do? If I pray hard enough, will it go away? No one told me this might happen.

The Holy Spirit is already part of your life!

How can I get the Holy Spirit? I didn't decide to follow Jesus until I was in my 40s, and He has made a real difference in my life. But someone told me I need the Holy Spirit, also.

When you read the Bible or pray, think of it as an exchange with God

Has your mind ever wandered when you tried to pray or read your Bible, or things like that? I know it shouldn't be this way, but I have a hard time concentrating whenever I try to do any of these things.

God calls us to a higher standard than the world does

I've not been a Christian very long, and the other day someone in my church took me aside and bluntly said I needed to clean up my language. Is he right? I admit it kind of offended me. I don't see what difference it makes, since everyone talks this way.

In the midst of your grief, Gods wants to fill the emptiness in your heart

I know I ought to go to church, but since my husband died I feel all alone when I get in church, and it's just easier to stay home. Everyone has their family, and I just feel out of place.

Jesus never doubted God, even at His crucifixion

Did Jesus think God had abandoned Him when He was crucified? I've never really understood why Jesus thought God had forsaken Him, and I wondered about it again this Easter. Was Jesus doubting God?

Many scientists are devout believers

I'm graduating from college shortly, and am planning to become a high school science teacher. But most of my professors don't have any use for religion, and they say you can't believe in both science and God. Can I be a Christian and still be a scientist?

God knows what is best for us, even if it seems painful

I prayed and prayed that God would heal my grandmother, but He didn't. I know she was old and in poor health, but she raised me and I'd always depended on her for spiritual and emotional support. Why didn't God answer my prayers? It's hard not to be upset.

We need all four Gospels for a complete understanding of Jesus and his mission

I'd never read the Bible much, but this year I made a New Year's resolution to read through the New Testament, and so far I've kept it. But why are there four accounts of Jesus' life instead of just one? They all seem to tell the same story.